The Menu Bar


The main menu is where you can access everything from basic file operations and display options, to more advanced features such as terrain and level editing tools and AI settings.

Many of these commands can also be executed the ToolBar and also by using keyboard shortcuts.

The File Menu

The File menu includes commands related to the handling of files such as open and save level file, show log file, and a list of recently loaded levels.

Menu Item



Please see Creating a New Level for information on creating a new map.


Opens an existing level.


Saves the level.

Save As...

Saves the level under a different name.

Save Modified External Layers

This option allows you to save just the external layers which have
been modified since last save.

Export to Engine

Exports the level data to the level.pak file so the level can be played in
Launcher. See Preparing a Level for Playing for more information.

Generate Terrain Texture

Generates the terrain surface texture in a compressed format to the
terraintexture.pak file. This is required so that changes done by the
terrain painter will be visible in the Launcher.
See Creating a New Level for more information.

Save Level Resources...

Saves all assets that are used in the level to a folder.

Export Selected Objects

Saves the selected geometry to an .obj or .fbx file.

Export Terrain Area

See Terrain Import and Export for more information.

Export Terrain Area with Objects

See Terrain Import and Export for more information.

Export Occlusion Mesh

Show Log File

Shows the log file containing all text that was printed in the console.

Recent Files List

Lists recently opened levels.


Closes the Editor, prompting the user to save before exiting,
if changes are detected.

The Edit Menu

The Edit menu contains commands related to object manipulation and selection.

Menu Item



Undoes the users last action (Ctrl+Z).


Redoes the users last action (Ctrl+Shift+Z).


Deletes the selected object(s), when you press the Yes button on the
confirmation window.


Duplicates the selected object (Ctrl+C).

Hide Selection

Hides the selected object (H).

Unhide All

Unhides all hidden objects (Ctrl+H), when you press the Yes button
on the confirmation window.

Freeze Selection

Freezes the selected objects (F) so they can no longer be moved or selected.

Unfreeze All

Unfreezes all frozen objects (Ctrl+F), when you press the yes button on
the confirmation window.


Hold (save) the current state (Ctrl+Alt+H).


Fetch (restore) the saved state (Ctrl+Alt+F).

Select All

Selects all visible, non-frozen objects.

Select None

Deselects objects currently selected.

Select Invert

Inverts the selection, so object currently not selected be come selected
and objects currently selected become deselected.

Select Objects

This will brings up the Select Objects Window.

Lock Selection

Having an object in lock mode prevents you from selecting other objects
(Ctrl+Shift+Space), until you press Escape.

Next Selection Mask

Selects the next selection mask (masks can be specified in the field with the
pull down icon in the editing toolbar - Named Selections).

Sub Object Mode

When an object is selected and using the edit mesh function, you have the
option to select and edit various components of the geometry.

Editing Mode

Select the various object editing modes.


Limits the movement to the X, Y, Z, or XY axes, to the surface of the terrain,
or to the surface of the terrain and objects.

The Modify Menu

The Modify menu is where you will find commands used to modify and change attributes and properties such as height and alignment and material of objects and entities.

Menu Item



Linking is used to create hierarchies between objects. If you have one object (child)
linked to another and then move the parent object, the child object will move the
same way. To link one object to another you have to select one entity, then use the
link feature and then clicking on another entity to link them together.


This function will break the link between the objects currently selected.


Align an object to the grid or to another object will move the pivot point and
rotation parameters of the object currently selected to the one that you click on
after you press the align to button.

Fast Rotate

Quickly rotates the current selected object on the selected axis with the degree
value specified in the Rotate Angles Window.


Converts the selected object to a Brush, Geom Entity or Designer Object.
This can be a great option if you find you have existing assets which need more
or less functionality.

Set Object(s) Height

Moves the object to a certain level (in meters) above the terrain.

Rename Object(s)

Renames the currently selected object.

Goto Selection

Moves the camera to the selected object (Z).

Align Object to Surface

Moves the selected object to the surface that you next click on.


  • Assign Current assigns the selected material to the current selected object.
  • Reset To Default resets the material on the object to the default one assigned
    on object creation.
  • Get From Selected gets the material from the selected object to the
    material editor.
  • Pick Material lets you pick any surfaces and then display the surface material
    in the editor.


This feature is mainly used to make a physical simulation.
For example, you could simulate wooden planks or dead bodies falling down,
and then to cache the position of the moved objects as they would do in real life.

  • Get Physics State gets the current physics state.
  • Reset Physics State resets the physical state (to the position where it has
    been placed originally).
  • Simulate Objects simulate Objects makes them behave like real gravity
    is on.

AIPoint Pick Link

Used to combine AI navigation modifier points.

AIPoint Pick Impass Link

Used to restrict AI navigation modifier points (so AI can not walk on these lines).

Save Objects

Save an object(s) to the game folder (Ctrl+Shift+S) as a .grp (group) file.

Load Objects

Load an object(s) from the game folder (Ctrl+Shift+L).

The Display Menu

The Display menu enables the user to toggle display features which will aid in level design, entity placement and object manipulation.

Other commands such as Remember/Goto Location and viewport navigation speed, can also be accessed from the Display menu.

Menu Item



Enables the Wireframe rendering mode (F3).

Point Mode

This option turns on the point mode rendering. It turns off almost all
rendering features so editing particles can be done quicker, for example.

Snap to Grid (value)

This locks an objects movement or rotation to a predefined grid (G).
The current set value is displayed also.

Snap Angle

Restricts the rotation of an object to predefined angle steps,
i.e. 15, 30, 45, 60... degrees.


Activates the Ruler tool which can be used to measure distances.

Grid Settings...

See below for more information.

Configure Layout...

Select one of the pre-configured layout settings to help keep arrange the
Sandbox Editor. For more information, please see the information
on Docking Windows and Tools.

Cycle 2D Viewport

This function will change the current view port to the next type
(from perspective to top, to front) (Ctrl+Tab).

Goto Position

In this window you can specify a camera position in XYZ coordinates, and
then hit "Go to" button to move the current camera to this position.

Remember Location

Using this function allows you to save 10 locations that you later recall
using the Goto Location Feature. This is useful to quickly jump to
different predefined places in Sandbox and in Game (Ctrl+F1,2,3,4 etc).

Goto Location

With this function you can quickly jump to the predefined camera
positions (Shift+F1,2,3,4 etc).

Change Move Speed

Increasing the speed will make the navigation in the editor faster.
Decreasing the speed will make the navigation in the editor slower.
Step Size changes the Step Size to higher values to quickly change
between fast and slow movement.

Switch Camera

  • Default Camera is the default camera.
  • Sequence Camera is used when you want to see through the
    Camera used in a Track View sequence.
  • Selected Camera Object is the camera entity that you have
    currently selected.

Show/Hide Helpers

Allows you to hide all helper objects or turn them back on (Shift+Space).

Toggle Fullscreen MainWindow

From here you can toggle the perspective viewport to & from
full screen mode. This only works when the perspective viewport is not
docked in the main editor window.

Grid Settings

Use the Grid/Snap settings dialog box to define Grid settings, Angle Snapping values, the sizes of the construction plane and snap markers.


Snap to Grid

Snap the selected object to the grid.

Grid Lines Every x units

The placement of grid lines measured by units.

Units Per Meter

Defines the size of a unit.

Get Angles & Translation from Selected

Rotates the grid lines & translation at angles equal to the selected object.

Rotation & Translation by X/Y/Z

Rotate the required grid line axis by the specified number of degrees.

Angle Snapping

Angle Snap

Activates/deactivates Angle Snap.

Angle Snap degrees

Sets the angle snapping steps in degrees.

Construction Plane

The Construction Plane is useful when editing Solids, or moving objects around.


Switches Construction Plane on/off.


Defines the size in meters in all directions from the pivot.

Snap Marker

The Snap Marker is used for modeling Solids.


Turns Snap Marker on and off.


Changes the size of the Snap Marker.

The Config Spec Menu

This menu allows to quickly switch between predefined quality settings, to check memory footprints, visual quality differences and features available in the different modes.

Menu Item


Very High

Turns on the Very High display settings.


Turns on the High display settings.


Turns on the Medium display settings.


Turns on the Low display settings.


Emulates Xbox One display settings.


Emulates Playstation 4 display settings.

The Group Menu

The Group menu contains commands that are concerned with the grouping of individual objects.

Menu Item



When having multiple objects selected the grouping function will group them together and draw a green box around them.


Having a group selected this function will ungroup all group object.


This function will open the group so individual objects within the group can be modified.


This function will close the group so individual object modification is no longer possible until the group is opened again.


Having a group selected and choosing this function and then clicking on a object that is not already within the group will add this new object to the group.


When the group is open and one of the group objects is selected this detach function will removed the specific objects from the group.

The Prefabs Menu

The Prefab menu contains commands to make prefabs from selection, reload prefabs and add selected objects to the prefab library.

Menu Item


Create Prefab from Selected Object(s)

Makes a new prefab from the selected objects.

Add Selected Object(s) to Prefab

Adds currently selected objects to the prefab.

Clone Selected Object(s)

Clones the selected object outside of its prefab.
Unlike "Extract", keeps original inside prefab.

Extract Selected Object(s)

Extracts the selected object from its prefab.
Unlike "Clone", removes original inside prefab.

Open All

Opens all prefabs inside the level.

Close All

Closes all prefabs inside the level.

Reload All

Reload all prefabs inside the level with the "on-disk" version.
Only useful if prefabs are set to not automatically update.

The Terrain Menu

The Terrain menu serves as a hub to access many view panes and tools that affect the game world and terrain appearance in particular ways.

Menu Item


Edit Terrain

Opens the Terrain Editor window.

Terrain Texture Layers

Opens the Terrain Texture Layers window.

Export/Import Terrain Texture

Used to Import and Export terrain texture tiles. Terrain tile texture
resolution can also be set here. See this article for example usage.


Opens the Terrain Lighting window.

Time Of Day

Opens the Time Of Day window.

Reload Terrain

Reloads the terrain.

Export Terrain Block

Exports a section of the terrain as a terrain block (.trb) file.

Import Terrain Block

Imports terrain from a previously saved terrain block file.

Resize Terrain

Opens a dialog which can set the Heightmap Resolution setting
and Meters Per Unit setting.

Terrain Modify

Opens the Modify Terrain panel with the specified tool selected.

Edit Vegetation

Opens the Vegetation Creation.

Paint Layers

Opens the Layer Painter Tool.

Refine Terrain Texture Tiles

Divides the terrain tiles into more smaller sections.

The Audio Menu

The Audio menu contains functions to stop and refresh the audio middleware system.

Menu Item


Stop All Sounds

Sends a signal to the audio middleware to stop all playing sounds.

Refresh Audio

Reloads all of the audio data and sends a signal to the audio middleware that the entire audio
system is refreshing.

The Game Menu

The Game menu provides commands to enable the game mode and test newly created features.

Menu Item


Switch to Game

Switches to game mode so you can play the level within
the editor (Ctrl+G). To exit game mode press Esc.

Enable Physics/AI

Enables the physics and AI within the editor (Ctrl+P).

Terrain Collision

Makes the editing camera collide with the terrain so you can't fly
under the terrain surface (Q).

Synchronize Player with Camera

Sets the player to the position where the current editing camera is.
This can be used to prevent the camera triggering logic such
as AreaTriggers while in Editing mode.

Edit Equipment-Packs

Opens the Equipment-Packs window.
See the Setting Up Equipment Packs tutorial for more information.

Toggle SP/MP GameRules

Switches between "SinglePlayer" and "TeamInstantAction" game rules.

The AI Menu

The AI Triangulation menu contains commands used to generate AI navigation and update the AI system within a level.

Menu Item


Navigation Update Mode

  • Continues: Regenerates NavMesh while dragging geometry on the according part of the NavMesh.
  • After Change: Regenerates NavMesh after finished dragging geometry on the according part of the NavMesh.
  • Disabled: Does not regenerate the NavMesh that would be affected by geometrical changes in the world.

Regenerate Navigation

Performs a full rebuild of the NavMesh. Either all or specific layers of the NavMesh can be selected for the rebuild.

Debug Navigation Agent Type

Selects which NavMesh layers should be displayed, based on their agent type.

Visualize Navigation Accessibility

Displays inaccessible areas as Red and accessible areas as Blue.

Show Navigation Areas

Displays NavMesh shapes.

Generate Cover Surfaces

Requests generation of Cover Surfaces data.

The Tools Menu

The Tools menu is where you reload scripts, textures, geometry and terrain. Other commands include user command configuration and check level for errors.

Menu Item


Reload Scripts

Provides functions to reload specific (or all) game scripts.

Reload Textures/Shaders

Reloads all textures and shaders used in the level.

Reload Geometry

Reloads geometries used in the level.

Reload Terrain

Initiates the Terrain (can be used instead of
reloading the editor).

Resolve Missing Objects/Materials

This will run a check through the level and try to resolve all
objects / materials that have problems.

Enable file change monitoring

Clear Registry Data

Resets the Sandbox data stored in the Windows Registry.

Check Level for Errors

Checks the level for errors (duplicate objects,
missing assets) and displays a list in the console.

Check Object Positions

Save Level Statistics

Saves level statistics to the "YOURLEVELNAME.xml" file
in the folder:
<root>\TestResults folder.

(Advanced) Compile Script

Compiles an entity script.

(Advanced) Reduce Working Set

Reduces Memory consumption.

(Advanced) Update Procedural Vegetation

Updates the Procedural Vegetation.

Customize Keyboard...

The Customize Keyboard window enables you configure
toolbars, menus and shortcuts.

Export Keyboard Settings...

Import Keyboard Settings...


Editor Preferences can be set here. See Editor Preferences.

Configure Toolbox Macros...

Function to create shortcuts to console commands.
So common commands like display AI parameters can be
accessed with just one mouse-click, for example.

Toolbox Macros

Displays the shortcuts to console and editor commands as
specified in the Configure User Commands window.

Script Help

The View Menu

The View Menu helps users to be able to customize the Sandbox Editor, and provides access to the various Sandbox Editors, user layouts, and skins.

Menu Item


Open View Pane

Here you can open the various Sandbox Editor windows
(i.e Flowgraph, Trackview), as well as different view functions that aid
in object setup.

Show Rollup Bar

Shows and hides the Rollup Bar.

Show Console

Shows and hides the Console.

Show Quick Access Bar


Save Layout...

Save the current layout. If a layout has been previously saved,
a list will appear above this menu option. This will allow you to load,
re-save, rename or delete the user layout.

Restore Default Layout...

Restores the default layout.


No Skinning

Set to standard Windows-style theme.

Dark Skin

Apply the "Dark Skin" theme. This is used by default.

Light Skin

Apply the "Light Skin" theme.

The Help Menu

The Help Menu contains version information as well as access to the Tip of the Day dialog box.

Menu Item


Tip of the Day

Opens the Tip of the Day dialog box, and allows users to turn
"Show tips on startup" on and off.

About Editor

Displays CryENGINE Sandbox Editor version information.

Online Documentation

Opens the website in your default browser.