The Select Objects Window


The Select Objects window enables you to quickly search for objects, hide/unhide and freeze/unfreeze objects in a list view. You can also browse through hidden or frozen objects without changing their state.

The Select Objects window displays only those objects that are on visible and unlocked layers.

You can access the Select Objects window by using the EditMode toolbar or in the main menu, under View -> Select Object(s). Alternatively, the default keyboard shortcut is CTRL+T.

The interface consists of a table view, the Fast Select: text box at the bottom, and the options on the right.

The Table View

You can press the heading of the column to sort the dataset, based on the alphabetic order in this column.

Available ColumnDescription
NameDisplays the name of the object.
TypeShows the scene element type of the object (Brush, various Entity Types, Camera, Particle Effect, Light).
LayerDisplays the visible layer to which the object is assigned; objects on invisible layers will not be displayed.
Default MaterialShows the path to the object's default material.
Custom MaterialShows the path to the custom material assigned on top of the object's default material, if defined.
BreakabilityShows what type of breakability the object supports.
Smart ObjectDeprecated
TrackviewShows which Trackview the object is used in.
FlowgraphShows which Flowgraph the object is used in.
GeometryShows the path to the object's geometry, if applicable.
Instances In LevelShows how many times the object is used in the level.
Number of LODsShows how many LODs the object has.
SpecShows which MinSpec level the object is set to display on.
AI GroupIDDisplays the Group ID number associated with an AI character.

Below the Select Objects window is information about the amount objects listed in the current mode (visible, hidden, frozen) and how many of these are currently selected in the scene.

Fast Select

Use this text box to quickly filter objects by name. For example, enter "vil" to display all the objects containing with these three characters: village_hut, anvil, villager, man_evil_01, etc.


SelectUse this button to transfer selections from the Table to the Editor's object selection (not needed if Auto Select has been activated.)
Select AllSelects all the objects in the Table and transfers them to the Editor's object selection.
Select NoneResets the selection in the Table and the Editor's object selection.
Invert SelectionInverts the selection in the Table and transfers it to the Editor's object selection.
List TypesEnables the display of certain object types, (Entities, Brushes, Prefabs); use these filters to display only the data that you need.
Display ListChanges the display between visible, hidden, and frozen objects.
Change Mode ButtonsDepending on the chosen mode in the Display List, you will find the Hide/Freeze, Unhide/Freeze, and Hide/Unfreeze buttons; they are used to transfer the status of an object to the other two (not currently selected) states.
Auto SelectAutomatically updates the Editor's object selection to match the selection in the table.
Display as TreeIndents child objects in Editor hierarchies.
Search also inside Prefabs and GroupsAllows displaying of results from Prefabs and (closed) Groups. Open groups will always be displayed.