Level Files


There are a number of files that are generated when you create a new level in Sandbox. This article will give you an overview of the common files.

For these examples, we'll be referring to the files for Woodland, one of the sample maps that are shipped with the SDK.




Environment variables defined in the Environment Panel in the RollupBar are stored here.


GameToken libraries created inside this level are stored here.


Terrain Heightmap data used by the Engine.


Mission objective information.


Terrain texture tile data is stored here.


Variables defined through the Time of Day tool are stored in this file.


Vegetation data used by the Engine.


DEPRECATED - See here for more information: Auto Resource List Files.


DEPRECATED - See here for more information: Creating LevelCache Files.


Stores information (MD5 and size) about critical files. Done during "Export to Engine" process.


Each level can have its own individual configuration file that is only loaded when loading that level. If you wish to run certain CVars for a single level use this file. NB: This is not used/shipped in Woodland but still can be used in any level.


The level.pak file houses lots of information about your level that is used by the Launcher. This file is (re)generated when you "Export to Engine" in Sandbox.


When you create camera locations in Sandbox (CTRL + F1-F12) these locations are stored inside this file and can be called (SHIFT + F1-F12) to relocate the camera. This file is updated along with any changes when you save the level.


An additional copy of the tags.txt file but in .json format.


Tiled terrain texture data that is stored when you Generate Surface Textures inside Sandbox.


See here for more information: Recording Time Demos.


This is a container file which is used by Sandbox. Changes to this file do not effect pure-game.
It can be opened with an archive program (such as WinRAR or 7zip) and contains several files which contain information/data for the level.


This script file contains information for use in the Launcher. It defines the loading screen, mini-map display information, loading description text and game rules for the level.


Minimap file that is generated from Sandbox to give a birds-eye view of the level. The file can be called whatever you like but it needs to be defined in the Woodland.xml file.


This file is the loading screen for use in the Launcher. The file can be called whatever you like but it needs to be defined in the Woodland.xml file and the UI configured to use it. This is not currently used in the GameSDK package.


When you create Layers inside Sandbox, a "Layers" sub-folder is created in your level folder. Each layer gets its own .lyr file which allows for collaborative editing. If a layer inside Sandbox has sub-layers within it, another sub-folder is created.

Backup Files

Backup files are automatically generated by Sandbox each time you save your level. When you save over your .cry file, your existing .cry file is renamed to .bak and if in the event a .bak file already exists, .bak2 is created as a secondary backup.

These .bak files are exactly the same as the .cry file, only with renamed extensions. If you wish to use or restore from a backup file, there's two ways in which you can do this (using Forest as an example):

  1. Rename the Woodland.bak file to Woodland.cry. When prompted about changing the extension, select 'Yes'.
  2. Open the Woodland.bak file in Sandbox (you'll need to view "All Files") then "Save As" the Woodland.cry file.