Mannequin Fragment Browser


The fragment browser is the panel that lists all fragments in an animation database (and its sub-databases). It is used to find & create fragments, change fragment tags, as well as creating and editing fragmentIDs.

It is typically used in combination with either the fragment editor (to edit fragments) or the previewer (to preview sequences).

It can be accessed by clicking on the "Fragments" tab at the left side of the editor.

For tutorials that go through some of this functionality, check out Mannequin Editor Tutorial 1 - Preview Setup, Fragments and Saving and Mannequin Editor Tutorial 2 - Tags & Previewing.

The next sections will go through the parts of this panel from top to bottom:


Use the context dropdown to select which context data you would like to preview. This list maps to the list inside the current Preview Setup, which can be edited in the Context Editor.

The context data refers to the animation database whose fragments are displayed in the browser.

Current ADB

Shows the ADB in which fragments for the currently selected fragmentID end up in.

This ADB is not necessarily the same as the ADB the currently selected fragment ends up in. This function only checks the fragmentID, not the tags.


  • FragmentID Filter: Show only fragments for fragmentIDs containing this word.
  • Tag Filter: Show only fragments with tags containing this word. The word "<default>" counts too, so if you look for "default" it includes all fragments without tags.
  • Animation Filter: (CRYENGINE 3.7.0 onwards) Show only fragments with animations containing this word.
  • Sub Folders:
    • When checked: The fragment list will create folders for all tags. Higher priority tags will be higher up the tree than lower priority ones.
      For example in the following screenshot the tags are "rifle", "pistol", "shoulder" and "iron".

    • When not checked: The fragment list will create folders only when there are multiple fragments for the same combination of tags (aka multiple fragment options). In this view the fragments are sorted by selection order (See Fragment Selection Process).
      For example in the following screenshot there are 2 options for "pistol+iron", but the other combinations of tags have only one option each.

  • Show Empty: Show also FragmentIDs that have no fragments in it. (useful for example when creating the first fragment with a certain fragmentID)

Fragment List

Shows the list of fragments, sorted by fragmentID.

  • The fragmentIDs are the root folders.
  • The fragments are the entries with a movie icon.
  • Tags sometimes also appear as folders, this depends on the Sub Folders option.
  • Fragments without tags show up as options for "<Default>".

The currently 'edited' fragment is shown in boldface. This is the fragment whose tagstate is displayed below, and it is the same fragment which is the main fragment currently displayed in the Mannequin Fragment Editor.

Note that this is a different fragment than the currently selected one! (see screenshot above).

  • Left click a fragment to select it.
  • Double click a fragment to 'edit' it: open it in the Mannequin Fragment Editor and show its tagstate below.
  • Left-mouse drag and drop a fragment onto a scope in the Previewer to automatically create FragmentID & Tags Keys to select this specific fragment.
  • Right-mouse drag and drop a fragment to duplicate it.
  • Right-click on a fragment and select "Copy Selected Text" to copy its tagstate.
  • Use Ctrl+C/Ctrl+V on a fragment to duplicate it.
  • (CRYENGINE 3.7 and above) Use Ctrl+C/Ctrl+V on a tag folder to duplicate all fragments within that folder. For example here is what happens when we copy everything within 'standing' onto itself:

  • (CRYENGINE 3.7 and above) Use Ctrl+C/Ctrl+Shift+V on a tag folder to duplicate all fragments within that folder while changing specific tags. The following window will pop up, in which you can change tags:

    This is what happens when we copy everything within "standing" and change the stance tag from "standing" to "kneeling":

Function Buttons

  • New: Create new Fragment within the currently selected fragmentID.
  • Delete...: Delete the currently selected fragment.
  • Edit: Edit the currently selected fragment: open it in the Mannequin Fragment Editor and show its tagstate below.


This shows the tagstate (both global tags and fragtags) of the currently edited fragment, which is the boldface fragment in the fragment list.

Here you can edit this fragment's tagstate. An empty or unchecked tag means the tag is not set on the fragment.