

Fragments are the basic building block of interactive animation in CryMannequin. You play an animation by wrapping it in a fragment, and then play the fragment instead.

More specifically fragments are layered sequences of animation clips & Procedural Clips. This means that you can lay out a couple of animation clips in a sequence, or layer them on top of each other, and treat them as one.

Fragments are referred to by a FragmentID and Tags. Multiple fragments can have the same fragmentID and tags, then we say that there are multiple options.

Fragments play on Scopes. (there can only be one fragment playing on a scope at a time)

When going from one fragment to another, Transitions are used.

Creating and Editing Fragments

Fragments are created in the Mannequin Fragment Browser and edited in the Mannequin Fragment Editor.


Fragments are stored in an Animation Database File (ADB).

Which ADB file a fragment you edit ends up in is determined as follows:

  • First the system looks at the scope you are editing a fragment on. (e.g. FullBody).
  • This scope has a certain scope context. This is defined in the controller definition (e.g. the FullBody scope might work on the MainCharacter scope context).
  • Then the system looks at which ADB file is assigned to this scope context in the current preview setup, which is edited in the context editor (e.g. the MainCharacter scope context has MainCharacterAnims.adb assigned to it).
  • The fragment will end up in this ADB file. It is possible for this ADB file to have optional rules that move the fragment into another ADB file, a sub-ADB. This is edited in the animation DB editor (e.g. there might be a rule that moves fragments for the "hit" FragmentID into the sub-adb MainCharacterHitAnims.adb).