Mannequin FragmentID Editor


The FragmentID editor is used to edit a fragmentID's name as well as the fragment definition properties that are stored in the Controller Definition File (xxxControllerDefs.xml).

For a very simple example of its use see the Mannequin Editor Tutorial 1 - Preview Setup, Fragments and Saving.


  • Fragment ID Name: the name of this fragmentID.
  • Tags Definition: The tag definition file containing the FragmentID-specific Tags (fragtags) for this fragmentID.
  • Edit: Edit the selected tag definition file in the Mannequin Tag Definition Editor.
  • Database File:
  • New: Move this fragment into a new sub-ADB file.
  • Persistent: Forces the action to keep playing, even when the fragment that is playing is not looping and has ended.
  • Auto Update: When this fragmentID is installed in the game, it constantly checks whether there is a fragment available that matches the current Mannequin TagState better than the current one. If so, the system will push the new, better matching fragment for you. Useful for basic 'idling' actions. Typically used together with the "Persistent" flag.
  • Default Scopes: The default scopemask assigned to this fragmentID. (it is called 'default' as it can be overridden by the programmer)
  • OK/Cancel: Apply/Cancel changes.