Mannequin Editor Overview

Opening the Editor

Open up the CryMannequin Editor by clicking on the Mannequin icon on the toolbar:

You can also open the CryMannequin Editor from the menu item View -> Open View Pane -> Mannequin Editor

Main Editor Elements

Below follows a list of all main elements of the editor.

If you stumbled upon this page but want an overview of the system, see Mannequin Introduction.

For a gradual overview of the editor instead of the dry list below, see the editor tutorials, starting from Mannequin Editor Tutorial 1 - Preview Setup, Fragments and Saving.

File Menu

Previewer Menu

See Sequence File (xml), Mannequin Previewer and Mannequin Editor Tutorial 1 - Preview Setup, Fragments and Saving.

View Menu

Toggles visibility of the Mannequin Fragment Editor, Mannequin Previewer, Mannequin Transition Editor and the Mannequin Error Report.

Tools Menu

See Mannequin List Used Animations. (CRYENGINE 3.7 and above)

Left Panel

Right Panel

Outside of the Mannequin Editor