
Inherits CryEngine.RenderLight.

Public Member Functions

bool Validate ()
Validate if this DynamicLight is OK. More...
void ReleaseCubemaps ()
Releases the cubemaps of this DynamicLight. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from CryEngine.RenderLight
void AcquireResources ()
Safely acquires the data of this RenderLight. More...
void DropResources ()
Safely releases the data of this RenderLight. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static DynamicLight CreateLight ()
Create a new DynamicLight. More...


Color FinalColor [get]
Get the final color of this DynamicLight. More...
- Properties inherited from CryEngine.RenderLight
Color BaseColor [get, set]
The base Color of this RenderLight. The alpha value is ignored. More...
Matrix3x4 BaseObjMatrix [get, set]
The base object matrix of this RenderLight. More...
Vector3 BaseOrigin [get, set]
The position of this RenderLight in world-space. More...
float BaseSpecMult [get, set]
The base specular multiplier. More...
Color Color [get, set]
The Color of this RenderLight. The alpha is ignored. More...
float AreaHeight [get, set]
The area height of this RenderLight. More...
float AreaWidth [get, set]
The area width of this RenderLight. More...
float AttenuationBulbSize [get, set]
The bulb size of the attenuation. More...
float ClipRadius [get, set]
The clipping radius. More...
float BoxHeight [get, set]
The environment probe box height of this RenderLight. More...
float BoxLength [get, set]
The environment probe box length of this RenderLight. More...
float BoxWidth [get, set]
The environment probe box width of this RenderLight. More...
float FogRadialLobe [get, set]
The blend ratio of two radial lobe for volumetric fog. More...
DynamicLightFlags Flags [get, set]
The flags of this RenderLight. More...
float LightFrustumAngle [get, set]
The light frustrum angle of the projector. More...
float ProjectorNearPlane [get, set]
The near plane of the projector. More...
float Radius [get, set]
The radius of the light. More...
float ShadowBias [get, set]
The shadow bias of the shadow map. More...
float ShadowResolutionScale [get, set]
The resolution scale of the shadow map. More...
float ShadowSlopeBias [get, set]
The slope bias of the shadow map. More...
float ShadowUpdateMinRadius [get, set]
The minimal update radius of the shadow map. More...
float TimeScrubbed [get, set]
The time the light was scrubbed. More...
short Id [get, set]
The ID of the light. More...
byte LensOpticsFrustumAngle [get, set]
Frustum angle ranging from 0 to 255. The range will be adjusted from 0 to 360 when used. More...
uint Engine3DUpdateFrameID [get, set]
Frame ID of the Engine3D update. More...
byte AnimationSpeed [get, set]
The animation speed of the light. More...
byte AttenuationFalloffMax [get, set]
The maximum attenuation falloff of the environment probe. More...
EntitySystem.EntityId EntityId [get, set]
The ID of the entity. More...
byte LightPhase [get, set]
The phase of the light. More...
byte LightStyle [get, set]
The style of the light. More...
ushort ShadowMinResolution [get, set]
The minimum shadow resolution of the shadow map. More...
ushort ShadowUpdateRatio [get, set]
The update ratio of the shadow map. More...
byte SortPriority [get, set]
The sorting priority of the environemt probe. More...
Matrix3x4 ObjectMatrix [get, set]
The object matrix of the projector. More...
Vector3 Position [get, set]
The world space position of the RenderLight. More...
Vector3 ProbeExtents [get, set]
The extents of the environment probe. More...
Matrix4x4 ProjectionMatrix [get, set]
The projection matrix of the projector. More...
byte ShadowMaskIndex [get, set]
The index of the shadow mask of the shadow map. More...
short Height [get, set]
The height of the RenderLight. More...
string Name [get, set]
Optional name of the light source. More...
float SpecularMultiplier [get, set]
The specular multiplier. More...
short Width [get, set]
The width of the RenderLight. More...
short X [get, set]
Scissor parameters (2d extent). More...
short Y [get, set]
Scissor parameters (2d extent). More...

Member Function Documentation

◆ CreateLight()

static DynamicLight CryEngine.DynamicLight.CreateLight ( )

Create a new DynamicLight.

The light.

◆ ReleaseCubemaps()

void CryEngine.DynamicLight.ReleaseCubemaps ( )

Releases the cubemaps of this DynamicLight.

◆ Validate()

bool CryEngine.DynamicLight.Validate ( )

Validate if this DynamicLight is OK.

true if OK, false otherwise.

Property Documentation

◆ FinalColor

Color CryEngine.DynamicLight.FinalColor

Get the final color of this DynamicLight.

The final color.