

Public Member Functions

virtual void DeleteContext ()=0
Releases this context.
virtual void ActivateDemoRecorder (const char *filename)=0
Records this context as a demo file.
virtual INetChannel * GetDemoRecorderChannel () const =0
Returs demo recorder channel.
virtual void ActivateDemoPlayback (const char *filename, INetChannel *pClient, INetChannel *pServer)=0
Records this context as a demo file.
virtual bool IsDemoPlayback () const =0
Are we playing back a demo session?
virtual bool IsDemoRecording () const =0
Are we recording a demo session?
virtual void LogRMI (const char *function, ISerializable *pParams)=0
If we're recording, log an RMI call to a file.
virtual void LogCppRMI (EntityId id, IRMICppLogger *pLogger)=0
Logs a custom (C++ based) RMI call to the demo file.
virtual void EnableBackgroundPassthrough (bool enable)=0
Enables on a server to lower pass-through message latency.
virtual void DeclareAspect (const char *name, NetworkAspectType aspectBit, uint8 aspectFlags)=0
virtual void SetAspectChannelMask (NetworkAspectType aspectBit, ChannelMaskType mask)=0
virtual ChannelMaskType GetAspectChannelMask (NetworkAspectID aspectID)=0
virtual void SetAspectProfile (EntityId id, NetworkAspectType aspectBit, uint8 profile)=0
virtual uint8 GetAspectProfile (EntityId id, NetworkAspectType aspectBit)=0
Fetches the profile on an aspect; this is a very heavyweight method as it must completely flush the state of network queues before operating.
virtual void BindObject (EntityId id, EntityId parentId, NetworkAspectType aspectBits, bool bStatic)=0
virtual void SetDelegatableMask (EntityId id, NetworkAspectType delegateMask)=0
The below can be used per object to prevent delegatable aspects from being delegated.
virtual void SafelyUnbind (EntityId id)=0
virtual bool IsBound (EntityId id)=0
Removes the binding of an object to the network.
virtual void SpawnedObject (EntityId id)=0
Must be called ONCE in response to a message sent from a SendSpawnObject call on the server (from the client).
virtual bool UnbindObject (EntityId id)=0
Determines if an object is bound or not.
virtual EntityId RemoveReservedUnboundEntityMapEntry (uint16 partialNetID)=0
virtual void EnableAspects (EntityId id, NetworkAspectType aspectBits, bool enabled)=0
virtual void ChangedAspects (EntityId id, NetworkAspectType aspectBits)=0
virtual void DelegateAuthority (EntityId id, INetChannel *pControlling)=0
virtual bool ChangeContext ()=0
virtual void EstablishedContext (int establishToken)=0
virtual void RemoveRMIListener (IRMIListener *pListener)=0
Removing an RMI listener – make sure there's no pointers left to it.
virtual bool RemoteContextHasAuthority (INetChannel *pChannel, EntityId id)=0
Determines if the context on the remote end of a channel has authority over an object.
virtual void SetParentObject (EntityId objId, EntityId parentId)=0
virtual void RequestRemoteUpdate (EntityId id, NetworkAspectType aspects)=0
virtual void LogBreak (const SNetBreakDescription &des)=0
Add a break event to the log of breaks for this context.
virtual bool SetSchedulingParams (EntityId objId, uint32 normal, uint32 owned)=0
virtual void PulseObject (EntityId objId, uint32 pulseType)=0
Add a priority pulse to an object (the shape of the pulse is described in the scheduling group in game/scripts/network/scheduler.
virtual int RegisterPredictedSpawn (INetChannel *pChannel, EntityId id)=0
virtual void RegisterValidatedPredictedSpawn (INetChannel *pChannel, int predictionHandle, EntityId id)=0
virtual void GetMemoryStatistics (ICrySizer *pSizer)=0
virtual void RegisterServerControlledFile (const char *filename)=0
register a file that should be server controlled
virtual ICryPak * GetServerControlledICryPak ()=0
get an ICryPak interface for server controlled files
virtual XmlNodeRef GetServerControlledXml (const char *filename)=0
Read XML out of a synced file.
virtual SNetObjectID GetNetID (EntityId userID, bool ensureNotUnbinding=true)=0
convert EntityId to netId and vice versa
virtual EntityId GetEntityID (SNetObjectID netID)=0
virtual void Resaltify (SNetObjectID &id)=0
virtual NetworkAspectType ServerControllerOnlyAspects () const =0
Get a mask of all aspects declared with the eAF_ServerControllerOnly flag.
virtual NetworkAspectType DelegatableAspects () const =0
Get a mask of all aspects declared with the eAF_Delegatable flag.
virtual IVoiceContext * GetVoiceContext ()=0

Detailed Description

An INetContext manages the list of objects synchronized over the network.

Only to be implemented in CryNetwork.

Member Function Documentation

◆ BindObject()

virtual void INetContext::BindObject ( EntityId id,
EntityId parentId,
NetworkAspectType aspectBits,
bool bStatic
pure virtual

Binds an object to the network so it starts synchronizing its state.

idA user supplied id for this object (probably the entity id :)).
parentIdA user supplied id for this object's parent (0 = no parent).
aspectBitsA bit mask specifying which aspects are enabled now.

◆ ChangeContext()

virtual bool INetContext::ChangeContext ( )
pure virtual

Changes the game context.

Destroy all objects, and cause all channels to load a new level, and reinitialize state.

◆ ChangedAspects()

virtual void INetContext::ChangedAspects ( EntityId id,
NetworkAspectType aspectBits
pure virtual

Some aspects of an object have been changed - and those aspects should be updated shortly.

idID of the object changed.
aspectBitsBit field describing which aspects have been changed.
This is the only way to get eAF_UpdateOccasionally aspects updated.

◆ DeclareAspect()

virtual void INetContext::DeclareAspect ( const char * name,
NetworkAspectType aspectBit,
uint8 aspectFlags
pure virtual

Calls just after construction to declare which aspect bits have which characteristics.

aspectBitBit we are changing (1,2,4,8,16,32,64 or 128).
aspectFlagsSome combination of eAF_* that describes how this parameter will change.
basePriorityase priority for this aspect.

◆ DelegateAuthority()

virtual void INetContext::DelegateAuthority ( EntityId id,
INetChannel * pControlling
pure virtual

Passes authority for updating an object to some remote channel. This channel must have had SetServer() called on it at construction time.

idThe id of a bound object to change authority for.
pControllingChannel who will now control the object (or NULL if we wish to take control).
Only those aspects marked as eAF_Delegatable are passed on.

// Example for how authority / control of an entity can be delegated to a specific client channel
// Note that INetEntity::EnableDelegatableAspect has to have been called during entity spawning for aspects we want to handle on the client
void DelegateAuthorityToClient(const EntityId controlledEntityId, const uint16 clientChannelId)
    INetChannel* pNetChannel = gEnv->pGameFramework->GetNetChannel(clientChannelId);
    gEnv->pGameFramework->GetNetContext()->DelegateAuthority(controlledEntityId, pNetChannel);

// Example for how authority / control of an entity can be delegated back to the server
void DelegateAuthorityToServer(const EntityId controlledEntityId)
    gEnv->pGameFramework->GetNetContext()->DelegateAuthority(controlledEntityId, nullptr);

◆ EnableAspects()

virtual void INetContext::EnableAspects ( EntityId id,
NetworkAspectType aspectBits,
bool enabled
pure virtual

Enables/disables the synchronization of some aspects over the network.

idID of a bound object.
aspectBitsThe aspects to enable/disable.
enabledAre we enabling new aspects, or disabling old ones.

◆ EstablishedContext()

virtual void INetContext::EstablishedContext ( int establishToken)
pure virtual

The level has finished loading Example: The slow part of context establishment is complete.

Call this after a call to IGameContext::EstablishContext.
See also

◆ GetAspectChannelMask()

virtual ChannelMaskType INetContext::GetAspectChannelMask ( NetworkAspectID aspectID)
pure virtual

Returns the channel mask for this aspect

aspectBitBit for which we are setting the mask.

◆ RemoveReservedUnboundEntityMapEntry()

virtual EntityId INetContext::RemoveReservedUnboundEntityMapEntry ( uint16 partialNetID)
pure virtual

Retrieve a reserved EntityId for previous known netID that had no entity bound to it.

partialNetIDID portion of a known SNetObjectID, without the salt.

◆ SetAspectChannelMask()

virtual void INetContext::SetAspectChannelMask ( NetworkAspectType aspectBit,
ChannelMaskType mask
pure virtual

Sets the channel mask for this aspect (aspectchannelmask & channelmask must be non 0 for send to occur)

aspectBitBit for which we are setting the mask.
maskChannel mask.

◆ SetAspectProfile()

virtual void INetContext::SetAspectProfile ( EntityId id,
NetworkAspectType aspectBit,
uint8 profile
pure virtual

Modifies the profile of an aspect.

aspectBitThe aspect we are changing.
profileThe new profile of the aspect.

◆ SetParentObject()

virtual void INetContext::SetParentObject ( EntityId objId,
EntityId parentId
pure virtual

Specifies an objects 'network parent'. Child objects are unspawned after the parent object is. Child objects are spawned after the parent object is.

◆ SetSchedulingParams()

virtual bool INetContext::SetSchedulingParams ( EntityId objId,
uint32 normal,
uint32 owned
pure virtual

Set scheduling parameters for an object.

normal4cc game/scripts/network/scheduler.xml.
owned4cc from game/scripts/network/scheduler.xml.