

A part broke off an existing entity. More...


Inherits EventPhysMono.

Public Types

enum entype { id = 6, flagsCall = 1, flagsLog = 2 }
enum reason { ReasonMeshSplit, ReasonJointsBroken }

Public Attributes

IPhysicalEntity * pEntNew
new physical entity (has type PE_RIGID)
int partidSrc
original part id
int partidNew
part id assigned to it in the new entity
int nTotParts
total number of parts that broke off during this update (each will have its own event)
int bInvalid
generated mesh was invalid (degenerate or flipped)
int iReason
Vec3 breakImpulse
impulse that initiated the breaking
Vec3 breakAngImpulse
Vec3 v
initial vel of ejected product
Vec3 w
initial ang vel of ejected product
float breakSize
if caused by an explosion, the explosion's rmin
float cutRadius
if updated mesh was successfully approximated with capsules, this is their cross section at the point of breakage
Vec3 cutPtLoc [2]
the cut's center in both entities' frames
Vec3 cutDirLoc [2]
the cut area's normal
IGeometry * pMeshNew
new mesh if was caused by boolean breaking, 0 if by joint breaking (i.e. no new mesh was created)
bop_meshupdate * pLastUpdate
last meshupdate for the moment the event was reported
int idx
used for event deferring by listeners
- Public Attributes inherited from EventPhysMono
IPhysicalEntity * pEntity
void * pForeignData
int iForeignData
- Public Attributes inherited from EventPhys
EventPhys * next
int idval

Detailed Description

A part broke off an existing entity.