

Public Types

Generic debug string which can be easily updated by any system and output by the debug handler.

Public Member Functions

ILINE const bool IsClient () const
ILINE const bool IsDedicated () const
ILINE const bool IsEditor () const
This way the compiler can strip out code for consoles.
ILINE const bool IsEditorGameMode () const
ILINE const bool IsEditorSimulationMode () const
ILINE const bool IsGameOrSimulation () const
ILINE const bool IsEditing () const
ILINE const bool IsFMVPlaying () const
ILINE void SetFMVIsPlaying (const bool isPlaying)
ILINE const bool IsCutscenePlaying () const
ILINE void SetCutsceneIsPlaying (const bool isPlaying)
ILINE JobManager::IJobManager * GetJobManager ()
Getter function for jobmanager.
CRY_ALIGN (64) UAsyncDipState mAsyncDipState

Public Attributes

IDialogSystem * pDialogSystem
I3DEngine * p3DEngine
INetwork * pNetwork
INetContext * pNetContext
ICryLobby * pLobby
IScriptSystem * pScriptSystem
IPhysicalWorld * pPhysicalWorld
IFlowSystem * pFlowSystem
IInput * pInput
IStatoscope * pStatoscope
ICryPak * pCryPak
IFileChangeMonitor * pFileChangeMonitor
IProfileLogSystem * pProfileLogSystem
IParticleManager * pParticleManager
IOpticsManager * pOpticsManager
IFrameProfileSystem * pFrameProfileSystem
ITimer * pTimer
ICryFont * pCryFont
IGameFramework * pGameFramework
ILocalMemoryUsage * pLocalMemoryUsage
IEntitySystem * pEntitySystem
IConsole * pConsole
CryAudio::IAudioSystem * pAudioSystem
ISystem * pSystem
ICharacterManager * pCharacterManager
IAISystem * pAISystem
ILog * pLog
ICodeCheckpointMgr * pCodeCheckpointMgr
IMovieSystem * pMovieSystem
INameTable * pNameTable
IRenderer * pRenderer
IRenderAuxGeom * pAuxGeomRenderer
IHardwareMouse * pHardwareMouse
IMaterialEffects * pMaterialEffects
JobManager::IJobManager * pJobManager
IOverloadSceneManager * pOverloadSceneManager
IFlashUI * pFlashUI
UIFramework::IUIFramework * pUIFramework
IServiceNetwork * pServiceNetwork
IRemoteCommandManager * pRemoteCommandManager
DRS::IDynamicResponseSystem * pDynamicResponseSystem
IThreadManager * pThreadManager
IScaleformHelper * pScaleformHelper
ICrySchematycCore * pSchematyc
Schematyc2::IFramework * pSchematyc2
Cry::Reflection::IReflection * pReflection
LiveCreate::IManager * pLiveCreateManager
LiveCreate::IHost * pLiveCreateHost
IMonoEngineModule * pMonoRuntime
threadID mMainThreadId
The main thread ID is used in multiple systems so should be stored globally.
uint32 nMainFrameID
const char * szCmdLine = ""
Startup command line.
char szDebugStatus [MAX_DEBUG_STRING_LENGTH]
bool bServer
Used to tell if this is a server/multiplayer instance.
bool bMultiplayer
bool bHostMigrating
int bDeepProfiling
bool bBootProfilerEnabledFrames
FrameProfilerSectionCallback callbackStartSection
FrameProfilerSectionCallback callbackEndSection
bool bUnattendedMode
Whether we are running unattended, disallows message boxes and other blocking events that require human intervention.
bool bTesting
Whether we are unit testing.
bool bNoRandomSeed
SPlatformInfo pi
SSystemInitParams::ProtectedFunction pProtectedFunctions [eProtectedFuncsLast]
bool bIsOutOfMemory
Flag to able to print out of memory condition.
bool bIsOutOfVideoMemory
bool m_isFMVPlaying
bool m_isCutscenePlaying

Detailed Description

Global environment. Contains pointers to all global often needed interfaces. This is a faster way to get interface pointer then calling ISystem interface to retrieve one.

Some pointers can be NULL, use with care.
See also