CRYENGINE Launcher Reference

The CRYENGINE Launcher interface

1. Quick Access


Clicking this provides the following sub-options:

User DashboardOpens your user account dashboard on the CRYENGINE website, allowing you to configure your account details.
Contributor Account

Lets you set up and configure your Contributor account details on the CRYENGINE website.

A Contributor account is only required if you intend to submit assets to the CRYENGINE Asset Database (Asset DB). See Contributing to the Asset Database for more information.

LogoutSigns you out of the Launcher.

Clicking this shows the following sub-options:

Launcher Settings

Lets you configure the following directory and Launcher preferences:


Projects DirectorySpecifies the default directory to be used for created projects.
Engine DirectorySpecifies the default directory to be used for Engine downloads.
Asset Directory

Specifies the folder to which all assets will be downloaded.

See Downloading and Installing Assets for more information.

Download DirectorySpecifies the directory in which all other downloaded dependencies will be saved.
Minimize to System Tray When ClosingWhen enabled, the Launcher will be minimized to the system tray when closed.


Assets Check IntervalSpecifies the interval of time after which the Launcher checks if there are new updates for downloaded assets.
Online Check IntervalSpecifies the interval of time after which the Launcher checks if the user and Crytek services are still online.

Warning Dialogs

Reset all Warning DialogsReenables all dismissed Launcher warning dialogs.

New Engine Version Dialog

Reset all 'New Engine Available' Dialogs

Reenables all dismissed Engine update prompts.

Check for Updates

Checks if a newer version of the Launcher is available.

Report an Issue

Opens the following form, which allows you to report any technical issues within the Launcher to our customer support team:

Issue reporting form
AboutProvides build, version and licensing information related to the Launcher.

Opens a tab that displays all active downloads and uploads, if any. The icon will change to when a download or upload is in progress.

2. Launcher Home

Launcher Home

Launch Sandbox

The Launch Sandbox button

Clicking this button opens the CRYENGINE version you've set as your default in the Engines library.

The dropdown beside this button provides the following options:

CRYENGINE <version number>Lists every installed CRYENGINE version; click one to launch the Sandbox Editor in the respective version.
Manage EnginesRedirects you to the Engines library in the CRYENGINE Launcher.

Recent Projects

Lists all recently opened projects from your Projects library.

Create New Project

Lets you create a new project. When clicked, the Select Engine Version prompt appears, allowing you to select the Engine version your project should use.

Select Engine Version

Import Existing ProjectOpens the file explorer, allowing you to locate and import an existing CRYENGINE project. The imported project will be listed in the Projects library.
Download AssetsRedirects you to the Asset Library tab.
Submit New Asset

Redirects you to the asset creation page in the Contributor Assets tab.

See Contributing to the Asset Database for more information.

Latest News

Lists the most recent news items from the CRYENGINE Blog.

Asset Database

Lists the latest and most popular assets from the CRYENGINE Asset Database.

3. Tabs


Projects tab

Opens the Projects library, where you can see all the CRYENGINE projects that are stored in the projects directory specified in the Launcher Settings.


The buttons in the top right corner are as follows:

Allows you to search, by name, for a project listed in the Launcher.
Opens the file explorer, allowing you to locate and import an existing CRYENGINE project. The imported project will be listed in the Projects library.

Lets you create a new project. When clicked, the Select Engine Version prompt appears, allowing you to select the Engine version that your project will use.

Select Engine Version

Project Options

Clicking the icon in a project listing provides the following options:

Launch in Sandbox EditorOpens the project in the Sandbox Editor.
Launch Game ExecutableOpens the project in the Game Executable Launcher.

Open in Visual Studio

Opens the code solution of the selected project in MS Visual Studio.

This is only available for projects that have a code solution, which can be generated using the Generate Solution option in the .cryproject context menu.

Edit Project Details

Takes you to the Edit Project dashboard, where you can assign a custom thumbnail to your project as well as change its name, Engine version, and even create a backup.

Edit Project
  • Clicking the button opens the Backup Project prompt. See the Backup Project option below for more information.
  • You can use the Engine Version field in the Edit Project window to upgrade projects created in older CRYENGINE versions to a newer version; see Creating, Importing & Upgrading Projects for more information.

Backup Project

Allows the user to choose the directory where their project backup will be stored.

Backup Project
Reveal in ExplorerOpens the selected project's directory in the file explorer.

Removes the selected project from the Launcher's Projects library.

This does not remove the project from your hard drive; it will still be available in its storage directory.
Delete from Hard DriveCompletely deletes the selected project, both from the Launcher and the user's hard drive.


Engines tab

Opens the Engines library, where all downloaded and installed versions of CRYENGINE are listed.


The buttons included in the top-right corner are:



Toggles the display of installed Engine versions to list or thumbnail view.

Opens the file explorer that allows you to locate and import a CRYENGINE version that was previously downloaded.

When clicked, the Select Engine Version prompt appears, allowing you to select an Engine version to download.

Select Engine Version

As of the 5.7.1 Launcher update, only CRYENGINE versions 5.7 and onwards may be downloaded.

Opens CRYENGINE's GitHub repository from where you can download its source code.
RefreshRefreshes the list of Engines displayed in the Engines tab.
Check for UpdatesChecks if any of the installed Engine versions have pending updates.
Engine Options

Clicking the icon in an Engine listing provides the following options:

This option is only available when an Engine update is pending.

Initializes the available Engine update.

This option is only available for Engine versions 5.6 or later.

Launches the selected Engine version.

Clicking this option will open the Sandbox Editor's Project Browser, allowing you to create a new project or open an existing one.

Create New Project

Creates a new project using the selected Engine version.

Selecting this option for Engine versions 5.6 or later will redirect you to the Sandbox Editor to create a new project. For earlier versions, it will bring up the following dashboard:

Creating a new project in earlier versions of the Engine

See Creating, Importing & Upgrading Projects for more information.

Verify Integrity

Allows the user to check if the selected Engine version's storage directory has been modified (by moving or deleting its files, etc.). After the integrity check, a modified Engine download is indicated by the icon in place of .


Redownloads the selected Engine version, if it was previously modified.

This option is only visible for Engine downloads that have had their storage directories modified; a modified Engine download is indicated by the icon (see Verify Integrity above).

Set/Remove as Default Engine

Allows the user to select/deselect an installed Engine as the Engine version that should open when clicking the Launch Sandbox button in the Launcher Home.

Launch Sandbox

Reveal in ExplorerOpens the selected Engine's directory in the file explorer.

Manage Dependencies

Allows the user to manage and install the various components required to work with code, third party middleware, plugins etc.

Add dependencies
IDE and CompilerLists Visual Studio IDE, Visual C++ Redistributable and Windows SDK packages you will need to compile custom versions of the Engine.
SDKs and Dependencies

Lists the following third-party software SDKs that can be installed for additional functionality:

  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Autodesk FBX
  • FMOD
  • Oculus Wwise Spatializer
  • NVIDIA PhysX
  • Steamworks
  • Substance
  • Wwise
Tools and PluginsAllows you install third-party tools and plugins via the CryToolsInstaller; an application required to support the export/import processes from Maya®, 3ds Max, Adobe Photoshop, etc.

You can find descriptions of each of the above packages/tools in the Launcher.

View Release NotesRedirects you to the release notes for the selected Engine version in the online documentation.
Delete from Hard DriveCompletely deletes the selected Engine version's storage directory.

Asset Library

Lists all assets that have been downloaded from the CRYENGINE Asset Database.

The Asset Library

If you have recently upgraded to a new Launcher version and have yet to migrate your assets, there will be a reminder in your Asset Library to do so, as shown here:

Migration reminder

Clicking Migrate Asset Now will bring up the Migrate Assets prompt.

If you haven't downloaded any assets from the CRYENGINE Asset Database yet, you will see the Visit Asset Database hyperlink in the Asset Library as shown:

Empty Asset Library

Clicking this hyperlink opens the CRYENGINE Asset Database in the web browser, where you can acquire free assets uploaded by other developers. Once an asset has been ordered, it will be available for download within the Launcher.

See Downloading and Installing Assets for more information.


The buttons in the top-right corner are:


Allows you to search, by name, for an asset listed in the Launcher.

Sorts assets according to one of the following criteria:

Last Updated (Newest)Assets are sorted by last update time, in descending order.
Last Updated (Oldest)Assets are sorted by last update time, in ascending order.
Alphabetical (a-z)Assets are sorted in alphabetical order.
Alphabetical (z-a)Assets are sorted in reverse alphabetical order.

Filters displayed according to the following criteria:

DownloadedAssets that have been ordered and downloaded.
Not DownloadedAssets that have been ordered but not yet downloaded.
Update AvailableAssets that have pending updates.


Toggles the display of installed assets to list or thumbnail view.

RefreshRefreshes the Asset Library.
Check for UpdatesChecks if any downloaded assets have pending updates.
Asset Options

Clicking the icon in an asset listing reveals the following options:


This option is only visible for assets that have been ordered in the Asset Database but not yet downloaded to disk; see Downloading and Installing Assets for more information.

Downloads the listed asset.

Verify Integrity

Checks if the selected asset's storage directory has been modified (files deleted, moved, etc.). After the integrity check, a "modified" asset download is indicated by the icon in place of .


This option is only visible for asset downloads that have had their storage directories modified; a modified asset download is indicated by the icon (see Verify Integrity above).

Redownloads the selected asset, if it was previously modified

Reveal in ExplorerOpens the selected asset's directory in the file explorer.
View on Asset DatabaseOpens the selected asset's CRYENGINE Asset Database page in the web browser.
Delete from Hard DriveCompletely deletes the selected asset the user's disk.

Contributor Assets

Opens the Contributor Assets library, where you can submit free assets that you'd like published on the Asset Database, as well as check the status of their review process.

Contributor Assets library

Become a Contributor

If you haven't created a Contributor account yet, you will see the following message when opening the Contributor Assets tab:

Become a contributor

Once your Contributor account has been successfully created, the Contributor Assets library should look like this:

No assets found in the Contributor Assets library

See Contributing to the Asset Database for more information on creating a Contributor account and publishing assets.

After your Contributor account has been successfully created, you should see the following buttons/options in the Contributor Assets library:


Allows you to search, by name, for the assets you've submitted to the Asset Database.

Allows you to filter assets listed in the Contributor Assets library by one or a combination of the following criteria:

  • Content Type (3D Model, Full Project, Animation, etc.)
  • Deprecated (Any, Yes, No)
  • Mature Content (Any, Yes, No)

Filter criteria

Click to apply your choice of filter criteria, and to remove any previously applied filters.

Begins the asset submission process by opening a form for you to enter your submission details.

See Contributing to the Asset Database for more information.

Contributor Asset Options

Contributor asset submissions that are pending, in-progress or complete will be listed as follows:

Example of an asset submission


Indicates the price of the submitted asset.

Currently only free assets may be submitted.

DraftIndicates that the submission of the asset is not yet complete.

Indicates that the asset has been published but is hidden from the public CRYENGINE Asset Database.

Contributor assets can be "hidden" by using the → Hide option described below.

PublishedIndicates that the asset is available in the CRYENGINE Asset Database.

Contains the following options:


Allows you to edit and check the status of your asset submission.

For more information, see Contributing to the Asset Database.


Hides the selected asset, so that it is not listed in the CRYENGINE Asset Database.

This option is only available when an asset has already been published; a published asset is indicated by the icon.

Mark Deprecated

Marks the asset as deprecated in the Launcher and in the Asset Database.

This option is only available when an asset has already been published; a published asset is indicated by the icon.

DeleteDeletes the selected asset submission.