This tutorial shows you how to combine Components - combining Components allows you to create some amazing effects and thus complex Entities can be created. This tutorial is going to show how to create some sort of collectables, the final result of this tutorial is show below.
Before you get started you should be aware that we work with Schematyc in this tutorial, so if you are unfamiliar with Schematyc or maybe just need a memory refresh then you can find the Schematyc documentation here.
We are also going to use the following components in this tutorial: Tutorial - Mesh Component, Tutorial - Rigidbody Component, and the Tutorial - SensorVolume Component. Hence, we recommend that you familiarise yourself with each of those before attempting this tutorial.
First we have to create two different entities, one for the player (in this case the ball) and the other for the actual collectibles (in this case the pink pyramids).
Now you have the final result and maybe an idea of what you can do with multiple components and a little bit of Schematyc. This tutorial off course just scratched the surface of Schematyc and the functionality of the components. I highly recommend to just play around and test out things to understand the systems better.