

Inherits CryEngine.BasePhysicsStatus< pe_status_living >.


bool IsFlying [get]
True if the Entity has no contact with the ground, otherwise false. More...
float TimeFlying [get]
How long the entity has been flying More...
Vector3 CameraOffset [get]
The offset of the camera More...
Vector3 Velocity [get]
The actual veloctity, as in rate of position change. More...
Vector3 UnconstrainedVelocity [get]
Physical movement velocity. It can be different from Velocity because in many cases when the entity bumps into an obstacle it will restrict the actual movement but keep the movement velocity the same. That way if on the next frame the obstacle ends no speed will be lost. More...
Vector3 RequestedVelocity [get]
The velocity requested in the last action More...
Vector3 GroundVelocity [get]
The velocity of the object the Entity is standing on More...
float GroundHeight [get]
The z-coordinate of the position where the last contact with the ground occurred More...
Vector3 GroundSlope [get]
The normal of the ground where the last contact with the ground occured More...
int GroundSurfaceIdx [get]
int GroundSurfaceIdxAux [get]
Contact with the ground that also has default collision flags More...
PhysicsEntity GroundCollider [get]
Only returns an actual PhysicsEntity if the ground collider is not static More...
int GroundColliderPart [get]
float TimeSinceStanceChanged [get]
Elapsed time since the stance has been changed More...
float IsStuck [get]
Tries to detect cases when the entity cannot move as before because of collisions More...
int CurrentTime [get]
Quantised time More...
bool IsSquashed [get]
If true, the entity is being pushed by heavy objects from opposite directions. More...

Property Documentation

◆ CameraOffset

Vector3 CryEngine.LivingStatus.CameraOffset

The offset of the camera

◆ CurrentTime

int CryEngine.LivingStatus.CurrentTime

Quantised time

◆ GroundCollider

PhysicsEntity CryEngine.LivingStatus.GroundCollider

Only returns an actual PhysicsEntity if the ground collider is not static

◆ GroundColliderPart

int CryEngine.LivingStatus.GroundColliderPart

◆ GroundHeight

float CryEngine.LivingStatus.GroundHeight

The z-coordinate of the position where the last contact with the ground occurred

◆ GroundSlope

Vector3 CryEngine.LivingStatus.GroundSlope

The normal of the ground where the last contact with the ground occured

◆ GroundSurfaceIdx

int CryEngine.LivingStatus.GroundSurfaceIdx

◆ GroundSurfaceIdxAux

int CryEngine.LivingStatus.GroundSurfaceIdxAux

Contact with the ground that also has default collision flags

◆ GroundVelocity

Vector3 CryEngine.LivingStatus.GroundVelocity

The velocity of the object the Entity is standing on

◆ IsFlying

bool CryEngine.LivingStatus.IsFlying

True if the Entity has no contact with the ground, otherwise false.

◆ IsSquashed

bool CryEngine.LivingStatus.IsSquashed

If true, the entity is being pushed by heavy objects from opposite directions.

◆ IsStuck

float CryEngine.LivingStatus.IsStuck

Tries to detect cases when the entity cannot move as before because of collisions

◆ RequestedVelocity

Vector3 CryEngine.LivingStatus.RequestedVelocity

The velocity requested in the last action

◆ TimeFlying

float CryEngine.LivingStatus.TimeFlying

How long the entity has been flying

◆ TimeSinceStanceChanged

float CryEngine.LivingStatus.TimeSinceStanceChanged

Elapsed time since the stance has been changed

◆ UnconstrainedVelocity

Vector3 CryEngine.LivingStatus.UnconstrainedVelocity

Physical movement velocity. It can be different from Velocity because in many cases when the entity bumps into an obstacle it will restrict the actual movement but keep the movement velocity the same. That way if on the next frame the obstacle ends no speed will be lost.

◆ Velocity

Vector3 CryEngine.LivingStatus.Velocity

The actual veloctity, as in rate of position change.