
SRmi< CryRmi::RmiCallback< User, Param >, fn >


Static Public Member Functions

static INetAtSyncItem * Decoder (TSerialize *ser, EntityId eid, INetChannel *pChannel)
static void Register (User *this_user, const ERMIAttachmentType attach, const bool is_server, const ENetReliabilityType reliability)
static void InvokeOnRemoteClients (User *this_user, Param &&p, const EntityId dependentId=0)
static void InvokeOnClient (User *this_user, Param &&p, int targetClientChannelId, const EntityId dependentId=0)
static void InvokeOnOtherClients (User *this_user, Param &&p, const EntityId dependentId=0)
static void InvokeOnAllClients (User *this_user, Param &&p, const EntityId dependentId=0)
static void InvokeOnServer (User *this_user, Param &&p, const EntityId dependentId=0)

Static Protected Member Functions

static void Invoke (User *this_user, Param &&p, int where, int channel=-1, const EntityId dependentId=0)

Detailed Description

template fn> struct SRmi< CryRmi::RmiCallback< User, Param >, fn >

This is an intermediate class for RMI support in game components. It allows the game code to register remote invocations while preserving the type safety of the callback.


class CMyRemoteMachineInvocationComponent final : public IEntityComponent
    // Provide a virtual destructor, ensuring correct destruction of IEntityComponent members
    virtual ~CMyRemoteMachineInvocationComponent() = default;

    static void ReflectType(Schematyc::CTypeDesc& desc) { /* Reflect the component GUID in here. */ }

    // Define parameters that we will send with our RMI
    // The SerializeWith function will be called once to serialize, and then on the remote side to deserialize
    struct SJumpParameters
        // In our example we will serialize a positional coordinate
        Vec3 position;

        void SerializeWith(TSerialize ser)
            // Serialize the position with the 'wrld' compression policy
            // This policy can be tweaked to only support the maximum size of a project's level
            ser.Value("position", position, 'wrld');

    // The remote method, only executed on the server
    bool ServerJump(SJumpParameters&& p, INetChannel* pNetChannel)
        // Client requested a jump, validate inputs here
        // If successful, run jump logic on the server

    // Use a type definition to simply registering and invoking the RMI
    using ServerJumpRMI = SRmi;

    virtual void Initialize() override
        // Whether or not this RMI is to be executed on the server
        // Otherwise it can only be invoked on clients
        const bool isServerCall = true;
        // Whether RMI is invoked before, after or independently from aspect serialization
        // Attaching before or after aspects can increase packet size, favor NoAttach when possible
        const ERMIAttachmentType attachmentType = eRAT_NoAttach;
        // Describes the reliability type for packet delivery
        // Reliable RMIs have significant overhead and should be used carefully
        const ENetReliabilityType reliability = eNRT_UnreliableUnordered;

        // Register the jump RMI so that it can be invoked later during the entity lifecycle
        ServerJumpRMI::Register(this, attachmentType, isServerCall, reliability);

        // Now bind the entity to network

    // For the sake of this example, this function should be called when a player wants to jump
    // If executed on the server, the jump can be handled immediately - otherwise an RMI is sent to the server
    void RequestJump()
        if (gEnv->bServer)
            // We were already on the server, so the code can execute safely
            /* ... */
            // Client requested jump, invoke a remote method invocation on the server
            ServerJumpRMI::InvokeOnServer(this, SJumpParameters{ m_pEntity->GetPos() });