
Sets geometrical parameters of entity part. Attaches optional ray sensors to an entity; only living entities support it. More...


Inherits pe_params.

Public Types

enum entype { type_id = ePE_params_part }

Public Attributes

int partid
Identifier of part.
int ipart
Optionally, internal part slot number.
int bRecalcBBox
Whether entity's bounding box should be recalculated.
Vec3 pos
quaternionf q
float scale
Matrix34 * pMtx3x4
Optional position+orientation.
Matrix33 * pMtx3x3
Optional orientation via 3x3 matrix.
unsigned int flagsCond
If partid and ipart are not specified, check for parts with flagsCond set.
unsigned int flagsOR
unsigned int flagsAND
New flags = (flags & flagsAND) | flagsOR.
unsigned int flagsColliderOR
unsigned int flagsColliderAND
float mass
Either mass of density should be set; mass = density*volume.
float density
float minContactDist
Threshold for contact points generation.
struct phys_geometry * pPhysGeom
struct phys_geometry * pPhysGeomProxy
If present and different from pPhysGeomProxy, pPhysGeom is used for raytracing.
int idmatBreakable
If >=0, the part is procedurally breakable with this mat_id (see AddExplosionShape).
ITetrLattice * pLattice
Lattice is used for soft bodies and procedural structural breaking.
int idSkeleton
Part with this id becomes this part's deformation skeleton.
int * pMatMapping
Material mapping table for this part.
int nMats
Number of pMatMapping entries.
float invTimeStep
1.0f/time_step, ragdolls will compute joint's velocity if this and position is set.
int bAddrefGeoms
AddRef returned geometries if used in GetParams.
int idParent
Parent for hierarchical breaking; it hides all children until at least one of them breaks off.

Detailed Description

Sets geometrical parameters of entity part. Attaches optional ray sensors to an entity; only living entities support it.