

Interface for maintaining the physical state of a character's skeleton, for example to generate physical parts for each joint. More...


Inherited by ISkeletonPose.

Public Member Functions

virtual void BuildPhysicalEntity (IPhysicalEntity *pent, f32 mass, int surface_idx, f32 stiffness_scale=1.0f, int nLod=0, int partid0=-1, const Matrix34 &mtxloc=Matrix34(IDENTITY))=0
virtual IPhysicalEntity * CreateCharacterPhysics (IPhysicalEntity *pHost, f32 mass, int surface_idx, f32 stiffness_scale, int nLod=0, const Matrix34 &mtxloc=Matrix34(IDENTITY))=0
virtual int CreateAuxilaryPhysics (IPhysicalEntity *pHost, const Matrix34 &mtx, int nLod=0)=0
virtual IPhysicalEntity * GetCharacterPhysics () const =0
virtual IPhysicalEntity * GetCharacterPhysics (const char *pRootBoneName) const =0
virtual IPhysicalEntity * GetCharacterPhysics (int iAuxPhys) const =0
virtual void SetCharacterPhysics (IPhysicalEntity *pent)=0
virtual void SynchronizeWithPhysicalEntity (IPhysicalEntity *pent, const Vec3 &posMaster=Vec3(ZERO), const Quat &qMaster=Quat(1, 0, 0, 0))=0
virtual IPhysicalEntity * RelinquishCharacterPhysics (const Matrix34 &mtx, f32 stiffness=0.0f, bool bCopyJointVelocities=false, const Vec3 &velHost=Vec3(ZERO))=0
virtual void DestroyCharacterPhysics (int iMode=0)=0
virtual bool AddImpact (int partid, Vec3 point, Vec3 impact)=0
virtual int TranslatePartIdToDeadBody (int partid)=0
virtual int GetAuxPhysicsBoneId (int iAuxPhys, int iBone=0) const =0
virtual bool BlendFromRagdoll (QuatTS &location, IPhysicalEntity *&pPhysicalEntity, bool b3dof)=0
virtual int GetFallingDir () const =0
virtual int getBonePhysParentOrSelfIndex (int nBoneIndex, int nLod=0) const =0
virtual int GetBoneSurfaceTypeId (int nBoneIndex, int nLod=0) const =0
virtual IPhysicalEntity * GetPhysEntOnJoint (int32 nId)=0
virtual const IPhysicalEntity * GetPhysEntOnJoint (int32 nId) const =0
virtual void SetPhysEntOnJoint (int32 nId, IPhysicalEntity *pPhysEnt)=0
virtual int GetPhysIdOnJoint (int32 nId) const =0
virtual DynArray< SJointProperty > GetJointPhysProperties_ROPE (uint32 jointIndex, int nLod) const =0
virtual bool SetJointPhysProperties_ROPE (uint32 jointIndex, int nLod, const DynArray< SJointProperty > &props)=0

Detailed Description

Interface for maintaining the physical state of a character's skeleton, for example to generate physical parts for each joint.