
Interface to the Localization Manager. More...


Public Types

enum EPlatformIndependentLanguageID {
ePILID_Japanese, ePILID_English, ePILID_French, ePILID_Spanish,
ePILID_German, ePILID_Italian, ePILID_Dutch, ePILID_Portuguese,
ePILID_Russian, ePILID_Korean, ePILID_ChineseT, ePILID_ChineseS,
ePILID_Finnish, ePILID_Swedish, ePILID_Danish, ePILID_Norwegian,
ePILID_Polish, ePILID_Arabic, ePILID_Czech, ePILID_Turkish,
typedef uint32 TLocalizationBitfield

Public Member Functions

virtual const char * LangNameFromPILID (const ILocalizationManager::EPlatformIndependentLanguageID id)=0
virtual ILocalizationManager::TLocalizationBitfield MaskSystemLanguagesFromSupportedLocalizations (const ILocalizationManager::TLocalizationBitfield systemLanguages)=0
virtual ILocalizationManager::TLocalizationBitfield IsLanguageSupported (const ILocalizationManager::EPlatformIndependentLanguageID id)=0
virtual bool SetLanguage (const char *sLanguage)=0
virtual const char * GetLanguage ()=0
virtual bool InitLocalizationData (const char *sFileName, bool bReload=false)=0
Load the descriptor file with tag information.
virtual bool RequestLoadLocalizationDataByTag (const char *sTag)=0
Request to load loca data by tag. Actual loading will happen during next level load begin event.
virtual bool LoadLocalizationDataByTag (const char *sTag, bool bReload=false)=0
Direct load of loca data by tag.
virtual bool ReleaseLocalizationDataByTag (const char *sTag)=0
virtual void RegisterPostProcessor (ILocalizationPostProcessor *pPostProcessor)=0
virtual void UnregisterPostProcessor (ILocalizationPostProcessor *pPostProcessor)=0
virtual bool LoadExcelXmlSpreadsheet (const char *sFileName, bool bReload=false)=0
virtual void ReloadData ()=0
virtual void FreeData ()=0
Free localization data.
virtual bool LocalizeString (const char *sString, string &outLocalizedString, bool bEnglish=false)=0
virtual bool LocalizeString (const string &sString, string &outLocalizedString, bool bEnglish=false)=0
Same as LocalizeString( const char* sString, string& outLocalizedString, bool bEnglish=false ) but at the moment this is faster.
virtual bool LocalizeLabel (const char *sLabel, string &outLocalizedString, bool bEnglish=false)=0
virtual bool GetLocalizedInfoByKey (const char *sKey, SLocalizedInfoGame &outGameInfo)=0
virtual bool GetLocalizedInfoByKey (const char *sKey, SLocalizedSoundInfoGame *pOutSoundInfo)=0
virtual int GetLocalizedStringCount ()=0
Return number of localization entries.
virtual bool GetLocalizedInfoByIndex (int nIndex, SLocalizedInfoEditor &outEditorInfo)=0
virtual bool GetLocalizedInfoByIndex (int nIndex, SLocalizedInfoGame &outGameInfo)=0
virtual bool GetEnglishString (const char *sKey, string &sLocalizedString)=0
virtual bool GetSubtitle (const char *sKeyOrLabel, string &outSubtitle, bool bForceSubtitle=false)=0
virtual void FormatStringMessage (string &outString, const string &sString, const char **sParams, int nParams)=0
virtual void FormatStringMessage (string &outString, const string &sString, const char *param1, const char *param2=0, const char *param3=0, const char *param4=0)=0
virtual void LocalizeTime (time_t t, bool bMakeLocalTime, bool bShowSeconds, string &outTimeString)=0
virtual void LocalizeDate (time_t t, bool bMakeLocalTime, bool bShort, bool bIncludeWeekday, string &outDateString)=0
virtual void LocalizeDuration (int seconds, string &outDurationString)=0
virtual void LocalizeNumber (int number, string &outNumberString)=0
virtual void LocalizeNumber (float number, int decimals, string &outNumberString)=0

Static Public Member Functions

static ILINE TLocalizationBitfield LocalizationBitfieldFromPILID (EPlatformIndependentLanguageID pilid)

Detailed Description

Interface to the Localization Manager.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ EPlatformIndependentLanguageID

Platform independent language IDs. Used to map the platform specific language codes to localization pakfiles. Please ensure that each entry in this enum has a corresponding entry in the PLATFORM_INDEPENDENT_LANGUAGE_NAMES array which is defined in LocalizedStringManager.cpp currently.


Traditional Chinese.


Simplified Chinese.


Test value for PS3. Not currently supported by Sony on the PS3 as a system language.


Not a language, denotes the maximum number of languages or an unknown language.

Member Function Documentation

◆ FormatStringMessage()

virtual void ILocalizationManager::FormatStringMessage ( string & outString,
const string & sString,
const char ** sParams,
int nParams
pure virtual

These methods format outString depending on sString with ordered arguments. FormatStringMessage(outString, "This is %2 and this is %1", "second", "first");

[out]outStringThis is first and this is second.

◆ GetEnglishString()

virtual bool ILocalizationManager::GetEnglishString ( const char * sKey,
string & sLocalizedString
pure virtual

Get the english localization info structure corresponding to a key.

[in]sKeyKey to be looked up. Key = Label without '@' sign.
[out]sLocalizedStringCorresponding english language string.
true if successful, false otherwise (key not found).

◆ GetLocalizedInfoByIndex() [1/2]

virtual bool ILocalizationManager::GetLocalizedInfoByIndex ( int nIndex,
SLocalizedInfoEditor & outEditorInfo
pure virtual

Get the localization info structure at index nIndex.

[out]outEditorInfoReference to localization info structure to be filled in.
true if successful, false otherwise (out of bounds).

◆ GetLocalizedInfoByIndex() [2/2]

virtual bool ILocalizationManager::GetLocalizedInfoByIndex ( int nIndex,
SLocalizedInfoGame & outGameInfo
pure virtual

Get the localization info structure at index nIndex.

[out]outGameInfoReference to localization info structure to be filled in.
true if successful, false otherwise (out of bounds).

◆ GetLocalizedInfoByKey() [1/2]

virtual bool ILocalizationManager::GetLocalizedInfoByKey ( const char * sKey,
SLocalizedInfoGame & outGameInfo
pure virtual

Get localization info structure corresponding to a key (key=label without the '@' sign).

[in]sKeyKey to be looked up. Key = Label without '@' sign.
[out]outGameInfoReference to localization info structure to be filled in.
true if info for key was found, false otherwise.

◆ GetLocalizedInfoByKey() [2/2]

virtual bool ILocalizationManager::GetLocalizedInfoByKey ( const char * sKey,
SLocalizedSoundInfoGame * pOutSoundInfo
pure virtual

Get the sound localization info structure corresponding to a key.

[in]sKeyKey to be looked up. Key = Label without '@' sign.
[out]outSoundInfoReference to sound info structure to be filled in. outSoundInfo.pSoundMoods requires nNumSoundMoods-times allocated memory. On return outSoundInfo.nNumSoundMoods will hold how many SoundsMood entries are needed. On return outSoundInfo.nNumEventParameters will hold how many EventParameter entries are needed. outSoundInfo.pEventParameters requires nNumEventParameters-times allocated memory. Passing 0 in either the Num fields will make the query ignore checking for allocated memory.
true if successful, false otherwise (key not found, or not enough memory provided to write additional info).

◆ GetSubtitle()

virtual bool ILocalizationManager::GetSubtitle ( const char * sKeyOrLabel,
string & outSubtitle,
bool bForceSubtitle = false
pure virtual

Get Subtitle for Key or Label.

[in]sKeyOrLabelKey or Label to be used for subtitle lookup. Key = Label without '@' sign.
[out]outSubtitleSubtitle (untouched if Key/Label not found).
[in]bForceSubtitleIf true, get subtitle (sLocalized or sEnglish) even if not specified in Data file.
true if subtitle found (and outSubtitle filled in), false otherwise.

◆ LocalizeLabel()

virtual bool ILocalizationManager::LocalizeLabel ( const char * sLabel,
string & outLocalizedString,
bool bEnglish = false
pure virtual

Provides the localized version corresponding to a label. A label has to start with '@' sign.

[in]sLabelLabel to be translated, must start with '@' sign.

◆ LocalizeString()

virtual bool ILocalizationManager::LocalizeString ( const char * sString,
string & outLocalizedString,
bool bEnglish = false
pure virtual

Translate a string into the currently selected language. Processes the input string and translates all labels contained into the currently selected language.

[in]sStringString to be translated.
[out]outLocalizedStringTranslated version of the string.
[in]bEnglishIf true, translates the string into the always present English language.
true if localization was successful, false otherwise.