

Public Member Functions

void GetMemoryUsage (ICrySizer *pSizer) const

Public Attributes

EInputDeviceType deviceType
Device type from which the event originated.
EInputState state
Type of input event.
TKeyName keyName
Human readable name of the event.
EKeyId keyId
Device-specific id corresponding to the event.
int modifiers
Key modifiers enabled at the time of this event.
float value
Value associated with the event.
SInputSymbol * pSymbol
Input symbol the event originated from.
uint8 deviceIndex
Local index of this particular controller type.
uint8 deviceUniqueID
Process wide unique controller ID.

Detailed Description

InputEvents are generated by input system and dispatched to all event listeners. The stream of SInputEvent should not be used for text input, the SUnicodeEvent stream should be used instead