
Main interface to the engine's head-mounted device manager, responsible for maintaining VR devices connected to the system. More...


Public Types

enum EHmdSetupAction { eHmdSetupAction_CreateCvars = 0, eHmdSetupAction_Init, eHmdSetupAction_PostInit }
enum EHmdAction { eHmdAction_DrawInfo = 0 }

Public Member Functions

virtual void RegisterDevice (const char *szDeviceName, IHmdDevice &device)=0
Used to register a HMD headset with the system for later use by the user.
virtual void UnregisterDevice (const char *szDeviceName)=0
Used to unregister the HWD headset.
virtual void SetupAction (EHmdSetupAction cmd)=0
Basic functionality needed to setup and destroy an HMD during system init / system shutdown.
virtual void Action (EHmdAction action)=0
Trigger an action on the current HMD.
virtual void UpdateTracking (EVRComponent vrComponent)=0
Update the tracking information.
virtual IHmdDevice * GetHmdDevice () const =0
virtual bool IsStereoSetupOk () const =0
virtual bool GetAsymmetricCameraSetupInfo (int nEye, SAsymmetricCameraSetupInfo &outInfo) const =0
Populates o_info with the asymmetric camera information returned by the current HMD device.
virtual void RecenterPose ()=0
virtual void AddEventListener (IHmdEventListener *pListener)=0
virtual void RemoveEventListener (IHmdEventListener *pListener)=0

Detailed Description

Main interface to the engine's head-mounted device manager, responsible for maintaining VR devices connected to the system.

Member Function Documentation

◆ GetHmdDevice()

virtual IHmdDevice* IHmdManager::GetHmdDevice ( ) const
pure virtual
Active HMD (or NULL if none have been activated).

◆ IsStereoSetupOk()

virtual bool IHmdManager::IsStereoSetupOk ( ) const
pure virtual
true if we have an HMD device recognized and r_stereodevice, r_stereooutput and r_stereomode are properly set for stereo rendering.