


Public Member Functions

virtual void OnLocalClientDisconnected (EDisconnectionCause cause, const char *description)=0
Sent to the local client on disconnect.
virtual bool OnClientConnectionReceived (int channelId, bool bIsReset)=0
virtual bool OnClientReadyForGameplay (int channelId, bool bIsReset)=0
virtual void OnClientDisconnected (int channelId, EDisconnectionCause cause, const char *description, bool bKeepClient)=0
Sent to the server when a client is disconnected.
virtual bool OnClientTimingOut (int channelId, EDisconnectionCause cause, const char *description)=0

Detailed Description

Listener that allows for listening to client connection and disconnect events


// Simple example of how to handle client connection events, and spawning entities for players automatically
class CMyNetworkedClientListener final : public INetworkedClientListener
        // Listen for client connection events, in order to create the local player

    virtual ~CMyNetworkedClientListener()
        // Remove any registered listeners before 'this' becomes invalid

    // Store the player channel identifier and entity identifiers side-by-side
    std::unordered_map m_clientEntityIdLookupMap;

    // Sent to the server when a new client has started connecting
    // Return false to disallow the connection
    virtual bool OnClientConnectionReceived(int channelId, bool bIsReset) override
        // Connection received from a client, create a player entity
        SEntitySpawnParams spawnParams;
        // Assign a default name for the player
        // This is not required, but can be useful for future debugging
        const string playerName = string().Format("Player(%i)", channelId);
        spawnParams.sName = playerName;
        // Notify the network system that this is a fully dynamic entity
        spawnParams.nFlags |= ENTITY_FLAG_NEVER_NETWORK_STATIC;

        // Determine if we are currently spawning the local player
        const bool isLocalPlayer = m_clientEntityIdLookupMap.empty() && !gEnv->IsDedicated();

        // If we are the local player, use the predefined local player identifier and set the ENTITY_FLAG_LOCAL_PLAYER flag
        if (isLocalPlayer)
            spawnParams.nFlags |= ENTITY_FLAG_LOCAL_PLAYER;

        // Now spawn the player entity
        if (IEntity* pPlayerEntity = gEnv->pEntitySystem->SpawnEntity(spawnParams))
            // Set the local player entity channel id, and bind it to the network so that it can support Multiplayer contexts

            // Push the entity identifier into our map, with the channel id as the key
            m_clientEntityIdLookupMap.emplace(std::make_pair(channelId, pPlayerEntity->GetId()));

            return true;

        // Player entity spawning failed, disallow the connection
        return false;

    // Sent to the server when a new client has finished connecting and is ready for gameplay
    // Return false to disallow the connection and kick the player
    virtual bool OnClientReadyForGameplay(int channelId, bool bIsReset) override
        /* This is where gameplay logic should start occurring */
        return true;

    virtual void OnClientDisconnected(int channelId, EDisconnectionCause cause, const char* description, bool bKeepClient) override
        // Check if an entity was created for this client
        decltype(m_clientEntityIdLookupMap)::const_iterator clientIterator = m_clientEntityIdLookupMap.find(channelId);
        if (clientIterator != m_clientEntityIdLookupMap.end())
            // An entity had been created for this client, remove it from the scene
            const EntityId clientEntityId = clientIterator->second;

    // Sent to the server when a client is timing out (no packets for X seconds)
    // Return true to allow disconnection, otherwise false to keep client.
    virtual bool OnClientTimingOut(int channelId, EDisconnectionCause cause, const char* description) override { return true; }

    // Sent to the local client on disconnect
    virtual void OnLocalClientDisconnected(EDisconnectionCause cause, const char* description) override {}

Member Function Documentation

◆ OnClientConnectionReceived()

virtual bool INetworkedClientListener::OnClientConnectionReceived ( int channelId,
bool bIsReset
pure virtual

Sent to the server when a new client has started connecting Return false to disallow the connection

◆ OnClientReadyForGameplay()

virtual bool INetworkedClientListener::OnClientReadyForGameplay ( int channelId,
bool bIsReset
pure virtual

Sent to the server when a new client has finished connecting and is ready for gameplay Return false to disallow the connection and kick the player

◆ OnClientTimingOut()

virtual bool INetworkedClientListener::OnClientTimingOut ( int channelId,
EDisconnectionCause cause,
const char * description
pure virtual

Sent to the server when a client is timing out (no packets for X seconds) Return true to allow disconnection, otherwise false to keep client.