

Interface to the Cloud Blocker Render Node object. More...


Inherits IRenderNode.

Public Member Functions

virtual void SetProperties (const SCloudBlockerProperties &properties)=0
- Public Member Functions inherited from IRenderNode
virtual bool CanExecuteRenderAsJob ()
virtual const char * GetName () const =0
Debug info about object.
virtual const char * GetEntityClassName () const =0
virtual string GetDebugString (char type=0) const
virtual float GetImportance () const
virtual void ReleaseNode (bool bImmediate=false)
Releases IRenderNode.
virtual IRenderNode * Clone () const
virtual void SetMatrix (const Matrix34 &mat)
Sets render node transformation matrix.
virtual void GetLocalBounds (AABB &bbox)
Gets local bounds of the render node.
virtual Vec3 GetPos (bool bWorldOnly=true) const =0
virtual const AABB GetBBox () const =0
virtual void FillBBox (AABB &aabb)
virtual void SetBBox (const AABB &WSBBox)=0
virtual void OffsetPosition (const Vec3 &delta)=0
virtual void Render (const struct SRendParams &EntDrawParams, const SRenderingPassInfo &passInfo)=0
Renders node geometry.
virtual void Hide (bool bHide)
Hides/disables node in renderer.
virtual IStatObj * GetEntityStatObj (unsigned int nSubPartId=0, Matrix34A *pMatrix=NULL, bool bReturnOnlyVisible=false)
Gives access to object components.
virtual void SetEntityStatObj (IStatObj *pStatObj, const Matrix34A *pMatrix=NULL)
virtual ICharacterInstance * GetEntityCharacter (Matrix34A *pMatrix=NULL, bool bReturnOnlyVisible=false)
Retrieve access to the character instance of the the RenderNode.
virtual struct IGeomCacheRenderNode * GetGeomCacheRenderNode (unsigned int nSlot, Matrix34A *pMatrix=NULL, bool bReturnOnlyVisible=false)
virtual struct IRenderMesh * GetRenderMesh (int nLod)
virtual void SetLodRatio (int nLodRatio)
virtual uint8 GetMaterialLayers () const
Get material layers mask.
virtual struct IPhysicalEntity * GetPhysics () const =0
Get physical entity.
virtual void SetPhysics (IPhysicalEntity *pPhys)=0
virtual void CheckPhysicalized ()
Physicalizes if it isn't already.
virtual void Physicalize (bool bInstant=false)
Physicalize the node.
virtual bool PhysicalizeFoliage (bool bPhysicalize=true, int iSource=0, int nSlot=0)
Physicalize stat object's foliage.
virtual IPhysicalEntity * GetBranchPhys (int idx, int nSlot=0)
Get physical entity (rope) for a given branch (if foliage is physicalized).
virtual struct IFoliage * GetFoliage (int nSlot=0)
virtual ~IRenderNode ()
Make sure I3DEngine::FreeRenderNodeState(this) is called in destructor of derived class.
virtual void SetMaterial (IMaterial *pMat)=0
Set override material for this instance.
virtual IMaterial * GetMaterial (Vec3 *pHitPos=NULL) const =0
Queries override material of this instance.
virtual IMaterial * GetMaterialOverride ()=0
virtual void SetCollisionClassIndex (int tableIndex)
Used by the editor during export.
virtual void SetStatObjGroupIndex (int nVegetationGroupIndex)
virtual int GetStatObjGroupId () const
virtual void SetLayerId (uint16 nLayerId)
virtual uint16 GetLayerId ()
virtual float GetMaxViewDist ()=0
virtual EERType GetRenderNodeType ()=0
virtual bool IsAllocatedOutsideOf3DEngineDLL ()
virtual void Dephysicalize (bool bKeepIfReferenced=false)
virtual void Dematerialize ()
virtual void GetMemoryUsage (ICrySizer *pSizer) const =0
virtual void Precache ()
virtual void UpdateStreamingPriority (const SUpdateStreamingPriorityContext &streamingContext)
virtual const AABB GetBBoxVirtual ()
virtual void OnRenderNodeBecomeVisibleAsync (SRenderNodeTempData *pTempData, const SRenderingPassInfo &passInfo)
virtual void OnRenderNodeVisible (bool bBecomeVisible)
Called when RenderNode becomes visible or invisible, can only be called from the Main thread.
virtual uint8 GetSortPriority ()
virtual EGIMode GetGIMode () const
Retrieves the way object is used by GI system.
virtual void SetMinSpec (RenderFlagsType nMinSpec)
virtual void SetViewDistRatio (int nViewDistRatio)
void CopyIRenderNodeData (IRenderNode *pDest) const
ILINE void SetRndFlags (RenderFlagsType dwFlags)
Rendering flags. (. More...
ILINE void SetRndFlags (RenderFlagsType dwFlags, bool bEnable)
ILINE RenderFlagsType GetRndFlags () const
ILINE void SetDrawFrame (int nFrameID, int nRecursionLevel)
Object draw frames (set if was drawn).
ILINE int GetDrawFrame (int nRecursionLevel=0) const
ILINE IVisArea * GetEntityVisArea () const
struct CTerrainNode * GetEntityTerrainNode () const
ILINE void SetViewDistUnlimited ()
Makes object visible at any distance.
ILINE int GetViewDistRatio () const
Retrieves the view distance settings.
ILINE int GetViewDistRatioVal () const
Retrieves the view distance settings without any value interpretation.
ILINE float GetViewDistRatioNormilized () const
ILINE int GetLodRatio () const
ILINE float GetLodRatioNormalized () const
virtual bool GetLodDistances (const SFrameLodInfo &frameLodInfo, float *distances) const
virtual void SetShadowLodBias (int8 nShadowLodBias)
Bias value to add to the regular lod.
ILINE int GetShadowLodBias () const
virtual void SetCameraSpacePos (Vec3 *pCameraSpacePos)
ILINE void SetMaterialLayers (uint8 nMtlLayers)
Set material layers mask.
ILINE int GetMinSpec () const
ILINE void InvalidatePermanentRenderObject ()
Inform 3d engine that permanent render object that captures drawing state of this node is not valid and must be recreated.
virtual void SetEditorObjectId (uint32 nEditorObjectId)
virtual void SetEditorObjectInfo (bool bSelected, bool bHighlighted)
virtual void SetOwnerEntity (IEntity *pEntity)
virtual IEntity * GetOwnerEntity () const
void RemoveAndMarkForAutoDeleteTempData ()

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from IRenderNode
enum EInternalFlags : uint8 {
enum EGIMode {
eGM_None = 0, eGM_StaticVoxelization, eGM_DynamicVoxelization, eGM_HideIfGiIsActive,
eGM_AnalyticalProxy_Soft, eGM_AnalyticalProxy_Hard, eGM_AnalytPostOccluder, eGM_IntegrateIntoTerrain
Object can be used by GI system in several ways. More...
typedef uint64 RenderFlagsType
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from IRenderNode
static const ERNListType GetRenderNodeListId (const EERType eRType)
- Public Attributes inherited from IRenderNode
IRenderNode * m_pNext
Every sector has linked list of IRenderNode objects.
IRenderNode * m_pPrev
IOctreeNode * m_pOcNode
Current objects tree cell.
std::atomic< SRenderNodeTempData * > m_pTempData
Pointer to temporary data allocated only for currently visible objects.
int m_manipulationFrame = -1
CryRWLock m_manipulationLock
uint32 m_nHUDSilhouettesParam
Hud silhouette parameter, default is black with alpha zero.
float m_fWSMaxViewDist
Max view distance.
RenderFlagsType m_dwRndFlags
Render flags (. More...
uint8 m_nInternalFlags
Flags for render node internal usage, one or more bits from EInternalFlags.
uint8 m_ucViewDistRatio
Max view distance settings.
uint8 m_ucLodRatio
LOD settings.
uint8 m_nMaterialLayers
Material layers bitmask -> which material layers are active.
int8 m_cShadowLodBias
uint32 m_nEditorSelectionID
- Static Public Attributes inherited from IRenderNode
static const int8 SHADOW_LODBIAS_DISABLE = -128

Detailed Description

Interface to the Cloud Blocker Render Node object.