

Public Member Functions

void Serialize (Serialization::IArchive &ar)

Public Attributes

bool bPrime = false
Advance emitter age to its equilibrium state.
bool bIgnoreVisAreas = false
Renders in all VisAreas.
bool bRegisterByBBox = false
Registers in any overlapping portal VisArea.
bool bNowhere = false
Exists outside of level.
bool bPlaced = false
Loaded from placed entity.
float fCountScale = 1
Multiple for particle count (on top of bCountPerUnit if set).
float fSizeScale = 1
Multiple for all effect sizes.
float fSpeedScale = 1
Multiple for particle emission speed.
float fTimeScale = 1
Multiple for emitter time evolution.
float fPulsePeriod = 0
How often to restart emitter.
float fStrength = -1
Controls parameter strength curves.
int nSeed = -1
Initial seed. Default is -1 which means random seed.
EParticleSpec eSpec = EParticleSpec::Default
Overrides particle spec for this emitter.
EGeomType eAttachType = GeomType_None
What type of object particles emitted from.
EGeomForm eAttachForm = GeomForm_Surface
What aspect of shape emitted from.
bool bCountPerUnit = false
Multiply particle count also by geometry extent (length/area/volume).
bool bEnableAudio = true
Used by particle effect instances to indicate whether audio should be updated or not.
CryAudio::EOcclusionType occlusionType = CryAudio::EOcclusionType::Ignore
Audio obstruction/occlusion calculation type.
string audioRtpc
Indicates what audio RTPC this particle effect instance drives.

Detailed Description

Real-time params to control particle emitters. Some parameters override emitter params.