Procedural Clip Directory


This is a list of types of Procedural Clips present in the engine as well as in the GameSDK sample.

Engine (CryAction)


Sends a CryMannequin event to the action controlling this fragment. (for programmers: calls IAction::OnActionEvent)

Event NameThe name of the event to send.


Low level procedural clip to start an aimpose asset. This is NOT related to the Aiming/Looking setup described in the tutorial Tutorial - Controlling Looking (and Aiming) for AI in Mannequin.

AnimationThe aimpose asset
BlendThe fade-in duration
Blend TimeThe "smoothing time" for the spherical coordinates (the higher the number the quicker the longitude/latitude will smoothly move towards the target)
Animation Layer

The CryAnimation layer (0-16) to play the aimpose on

This works differently than the layer parameter inside the AimPose procedural clip, which is a layer index relative to the scope's first animation layer.

Uses the parameter called "AimTarget" as the target, if it exists. If not specified the target is 10m in front of the entity.


Sends an AI signal directly to the AI actor interface of the entity on which the clip is playing.

EnterAndExitSignalNamesSignal names sent on Enter and Exit (start and finish) of this procedural clip, separated by a '|' character


Attaches an entity to a specific attachment point (and detaches it on exit)

Attachment NameThe name of the attachment point
Param Name with EntityIdThe name of the parameter which stores the EntityID of the entity to attach


Attaches a chr, skel or cga to a specific attachment point (and detaches on exit)

Object FilenameName of the chr, skel or cga to attach
Attachment NameThe name of the attachment point


(new since CRYENGINE 3.7)

Execute audio translation layer (ATL) triggers.

Start Trigger(optional) ATL trigger to execute at the start
Stop Trigger(optional) ATL trigger to execute at the end
Attachment Joint(optional) Name of a joint where to execute the trigger
AI Radius(not implemented in 3.7.0)
Is Voice(not implemented in 3.7.0)
Play FacialRequest facial animation to match the sound
Sound Flags(reserved)


Plays a forcefeedback effect.

OnlyLocalTrigger force feedback only locally (not on remote players)


(new since CRYENGINE 3.7)

Sends events to the flownode Actor ProcClipEventListener.

Enter Event NameName of event to send at start
Exit Event NameName of event to send at end


(new since CRYENGINE 3.7)

Hides an attachment for the duration of the clip.

Attachment NameName of the character attachment to hide


(new since CRYENGINE 3.7)

Controls the weight of a CryAnimation layer by a joint's x value. This might be following along with a joint driving an animation driven IK, hence the name of this clip.

Joint NameThe joint whose x value will be controlling the layer weight
Scope LayerThe index of the layer within this scope that this clip should control
InvertUse one minus the value as the weight


(new since CRYENGINE 3.7)

Adjust a joint's position. (under the hood this uses an operatorqueue pose modifier)

Joint NameThe joint to adjust
Scope LayerThe index of the layer within this scope before which you want to execute this adjustment
Relative to Parent


Controls the speed of an animation that is playing in the same scope as this procedural clip through code.

LayerAnimSpeedParamThe name of the floating point parameter which stores the speed value (0 by default)
ScopeLayerThe layer index within the scope of the animation you want to control
InvertCheck to use one minus the parameter value as speed

Note that the Blend value is not used.


Controls the time (normalized time) of an animation that is playing in the same scope as this procedural clip through code.

Param NameThe name of the floating point parameter which stores the normalized time value (0 by default)
Scope LayerThe layer index within the scope of the animation you want to control.
InvertCheck to use one minus the parameter value as normalized time.


Controls the weight of a CryAnimation layer through code.

Layer Weight ParamThe name of the floating point parameter which stores the weight to apply to the layer
Scope LayerThe layer index within the scope of the layer you want to control.
InvertCheck to use one minus the parameter value as weight.


Low level procedural clip to start an lookpose asset. This is NOT related to the Aiming/Looking setup described in the tutorial Tutorial - Controlling Looking (and Aiming) for AI in Mannequin.

AnimationThe lookpose asset
BlendThe fade-in duration
Blend TimeThe "smoothing time" for the spherical coordinates (the higher the number the quicker the longitude/latitude will smoothly move towards the target)
Scope Layer

The layer to play the lookpose on, relative to the scope's first animation layer.

This works differently than the layer parameter inside the AimPose procedural clip, which is the actual layer number (0 - 16)

Uses the parameter called "LookTarget" as target, if it exists. If not specified the target is 10m in front of the entity.


Controls the time (normalized time) of animations playing in multiple layers through code.

Param NameThe name of the parameter of type SWeightData (4 weights, each a floating point number, next to each other) which stores the segment normalized time values for the layers
Scope LayerThe layer index within the scope of the first layer that contains the animation you want to control. All layers after that within this scope are also controlled (up to 4 layers)
InvertCheck to use one minus the parameter value


Plays a particle effect.

Effect NameName of the particle effect to spawn
Joint NameOptional joint to attach the emitter to
Attachment NameOptional attachment interface name to attach the emitter to
Position Offset, Rotation OffsetLocal-space offset of the emitter. If no "Joint Name" or "Attachment Name" is given, the offset is relative to the host entity
Clone Attachment(default: off) If "Attachment Name" is given, create a copy of the given interface instead of using it directly. This allows for more than one effect to play on the same attachment
Kill on Exit(default: off) Explicitly remove the particle effect. This will remove all spawned particles instead of letting them 'die out' on their own
Keep Emitter Active

(default: off) Keep emitter alive even after the procedural clip has ended

This feature should be used with great care. It assumes that the particle effect will go away on its own. There is no other way to get rid of the effect after it started.

This clip changed quite a bit in CRYENGINE 3.7. This is how it looked in CRYENGINE 3.6:

EffectName of the particle effect to spawn
referenceBoneOptional joint or attachment interface to attach the emitter to
posOffset, rotOffsetLocal-space offset of the emitter. If no "referenceBone" is given, the offset is relative to the host entity
cloneAttachmentIf "referenceBone" refers to an attachment interface, create a copy of the given interface instead of using it directly


In CRYENGINE 3.7: See Audio. (PlaySound is the same as Audio)

CRYENGINE 3.6 PlaySound

Plays a sound.

SoundThe sound to add
AttachmentJointOptional joint name to attach the sound to
radiusDescribes the radius within AI will be alerted
synchedStopIf set to 1 the sound will stop at the next marker position. Helpful for weapon fire loops.
forceStopOnExitStops the sound when the animation finishes or another sound clip (can be empty) is triggered on the same proc layer

The procedural clip will also take care of setting Sound Parameters. Programmers simply need to set a standard parameter with the same name of a sound parameter, its value will get passed along to the sound system.


Procedurally move the entity towards a target position over time.

The target position/rotation is taken from the parameter called "TargetPos". This parameter has to be set for the clip to work.

This procedural clip is typically used to align characters to ledges/vault locations.

BlendDuration of the adjustment
Offset, YawAdditional offset on top of the target position
Ignore RotationCheck to ignore rotation
Ignore PositionCheck to ignore position


Procedurally move the entity such that whatever was the 'startlocation' of the animation becomes equal to the target position. The startlocation is the location that was the origin location in the content creation tool where the animation comes from.

If the animation contains movement this clip might not behave as expected (as the 'delta' is only calculated at the start of the animation) and you should use PositionAdjustAnimPosContinuously.

The target position/rotation is taken from the parameter specified using Param Name.

BlendDuration of the adjustment
Param Name(optional) Name of the parameter to use. If not specified, uses the parameter called "TargetPos".
Ignore RotationCheck to ignore rotation
Ignore PositionCheck to ignore position


Procedurally move the entity such that whatever was the 'startlocation' of the animation becomes equal to the target position. The startlocation is the location that was the origin location in the content creation tool where the animation comes from.

The target position/rotation is taken from the parameter called "TargetPos". This parameter has to be set for the clip to work.

BlendDuration of the adjustment


Takes the character assigned to the specified scope, typically a 'slave' scope, and moves the entity towards the location of a specific joint of this character.

BlendDuration of the adjustment
Target Joint NameName of the joint to align to
Target Scope NameThe scope that has the 'slave' character attached you want to align to
Target State NameNot used


Low level procedural clip to start an aimpose asset and randomly aim around. This is NOT related to the Aiming/Looking setup described in the tutorial Tutorial - Controlling Looking (and Aiming) for AI in Mannequin.

AnimationThe aimpose asset
BlendThe fade-in duration
Smooth TimeThe "smoothing time" for the spherical coordinates (the higher the number the quicker the longitude/latitude will smoothly move towards the target)
Scope LayerThe layer within the scope to play the aimpose on
Yaw Min, Yaw Max
Pitch Min, Pitch Max
Time Min, Time Max


Low level procedural clip to start a lookpose asset and randomly aim around. This is NOT related to the Aiming/Looking setup described in the tutorial Tutorial - Controlling Looking (and Aiming) for AI in Mannequin.

AnimationThe lookpose asset
BlendThe fade-in duration
Smooth TimeThe "smoothing time" for the spherical coordinates (the higher the number the quicker the longitude/latitude will smoothly move towards the target)
Scope LayerThe layer within the scope to play the aimpose on
Yaw Min, Yaw Max
Pitch Min, Pitch Max
Time Min, Time Max


(new since CRYENGINE 3.7)

Set a mannequin (float) parameter to a certain value.

Param NameThe name of the parameter
BlendThe time it takes to reach the target value
TargetTarget value
Exit TargetValue to go to after the proc clip ended


(new since CRYENGINE 3.7)

Attachment Name Old
Attachment Name New
Reset on Exit
Clear on Exit


Control the weight of multiple consecutive CryAnimation layers through code.

Param NameThe name of the parameter of type SWeightData (4 weights, each a floating point number, next to each other) which stores the weights for the layers
Scope LayerThe layer index within the scope of the first layer that you want to control. All layers after that within this scope are also controlled (up to 4 layers)
InvertCheck to use one minus the parameter value

GameSDK Sample


Relies on Aimpose/Aiming scope setup as in the standard GameDLL example for a human AI and described in the tutorial Tutorial - Controlling Looking (and Aiming) for AI in Mannequin.

Request the aimpose to be enabled.

BlendFade-in duration for the aimpose


Relies on Aimpose/Aiming scope setup as in the standard GameDLL example for a human AI and described in the tutorial Tutorial - Controlling Looking (and Aiming) for AI in Mannequin.

Controls smoothing parameters for the polar coordinates while moving towards a target (or following a target).

Smooth Time SecondsThe "smoothing time" for the spherical coordinates (the higher the number the quicker the longitude/latitude will smoothly move towards the target)
Max Yaw Degrees Per SecondMaximum degrees per second in yaw direction
Max Pitch Degrees Per SecondMaximum degrees per second in pitch direction


Tell the "pick and throw weapon" (assuming it is currently equipped) to "attach".

Attachment PointName of the attachment interface to use


Overrides the collidermode for the character.

ModeAllowed values:
  • Undefined (give up control)
  • Disabled (no collisions)
  • GroundedOnly
  • Pushable
  • NonPushable
  • PushesPlayersOnly
  • Spectator


Tells the AI system that cover has been compromised.


Synchronizes animation within two layers by automatically copying over the segment normalized time from an animation in one layer to an animation in another layer.

Source ScopeThe scope from which to copy
Source LayerThe layer within that scope to look for the source animation
LayerThe layer within the current scope that contains the animation you want to synchronize


Plays a facial sequence.

FilenameThe sequence (fsq) file to play
Continue After ExitWhether or not to continue playing the sequence after the procedural clip exited. Ignored when looping the sequence, in that case the default behavior is used, so the sequence stops playing when the clip exits.
LoopingWhether or not to loop the sequence.


Relies on Lookpose/Looking scope setup as in the standard GameDLL example for a human AI and described in the tutorial Tutorial - Controlling Looking (and Aiming) for AI in Mannequin

Request the lookpose to be enabled. Blend-in time is used as fade-in time for the lookpose.

BlendFade-in duration for the lookpose


Override the movement control method of the character.

HorizontalHorizontal movement control method. Allowed values:
  • 0: Undefined (no override)
  • 1: Entity driven
  • 2: Animation driven (aka Data Driven)
  • 3: Animation driven with collision in the horizontal plane
VerticalVertical movement control method. Allowed values:
  • 0: Undefined (no override)
  • 1: Entity driven
  • 2: Animation driven (aka Data Driven)


Makes a character turn into a ragdoll and optionally blend him back to animation.

BlendThis defines the time range during which the character will start randomizing at a random

When 0, you want the AI to ragdoll & die. When 1, you want the AI to stay alive during the ragdoll phase and blend back to animation

This flag is currently only used by the blend-from-ragdoll game code, which is triggered by calling CActor::Fall(). See the humanpreview setup. First this triggers the CAnimActionBlendFromRagdollSleep, which makes the character ragdollize and 'sleep': It plays the fragment with fragmentID "BlendRagdoll" and tags containing "standup+blendin+ragdoll". This fragment has to contain a Ragdoll procclip with the sleep value set to 1. For standing up, a CAnimActionBlendFromRagdoll is started after the sleeping ended. This action relies on all possible standup animations to be in options for the fragmentID "BlendRagdoll" and tags containing "standup+blendout". The 'best matching' animation is chosen based upon the first frame of these.
StiffnessDetermines how much the ragdoll follows the animation


Tell an AI character it is in a certain stance. It specifically does not trigger stance change animation.

This is useful to annotate animation that ends up in another stance than it started in, for example during a scripted sequence that can be interrupted.

When the sequence is interrupted, the game knows the AI is in another stance.

StanceStance name. The values recognized are currently:
  • Null
  • Stand
  • Crouch
  • Prone
  • Relaxed
  • Stealth
  • Alerted
  • LowCover
  • HighCover
  • Swim
  • Zero-G

But the SDK example only supports a couple of those: Crouch, Stand and Swim.


Temporarily move the attachment from the right hand into the left hand (hardcoded to use attachment names "weapon" and "left_weapon").


Controls aiming & aimpose of the turret entity. This is NOT related to the Aiming/Looking setup described in the tutorial Tutorial - Controlling Looking (and Aiming) for AI in Mannequin.

BlendThe fade in time of the aimpose
AnimationThe aimpose asset to use
Blend Timeunused
HorizontalAimSmoothTimeThe "smoothing time" for the yaw direction
VerticalAimSmoothtimeThe "smoothing time" for the pitch direction
Max Yaw Degrees Per SecondMaximum degrees per second the turret rotates in the yaw direction
Max Pitch Degrees Per SecondMaximum degrees per second the turret rotates in the pitch direction


First person weapon bump animation when the player lands.

TimeThe amount of time the bump animation plays
ShiftHow much the weapon moves on screen after player lands
RotationHow much the weapon rotates


Places the weapon on a specific location on the screen. It has 3 modes: right hand, left hand and zoom. Only one of these modes can be active at a time. However, more than one WeaponPose clip can run in parallel.

Pose TypeUse this to tell what the weapon offset will influence. The default is 0 which means right hand. This will change the weapon's position on screen starting from the idle pose position.
1 Means zoom, which will place the weapon on the screen when the player decides to zoom in and 2 means left hand which can be used to modify the original base pose to accommodate under barrel attachments
Zoom Transition Angledefault set to 0, defines the angle that the weapon will rotate during a zoom transition. Is only read if pose_type is set to 1 (zoom) otherwise this parameter is totally ignored
Position, Rotationdefines the pose itself as an offset to the base pose. Rotation is defined in angles.


Activates the recoil behavior on the weapon. It will trigger a recoil animation every time the weapon fires.

Damp StrengthHow quick the weapon comes back to rest pose after a kick
Fire Recoil TimeAttack time of the recoil kick. A value of 0 will make the kick be applied in a single frame which is not recommended since it can make an animation look jerky
Fire Recoil Strength First, Fire Recoil StrengthThe kick strength. Fire Recoil Strength First has the same behavior as Fire Recoil Strength but it is applied for the first shot only.
For rapid fire modes is highly recommended Fire Recoil Strength First to be much higher than Fire Recoil Strength
Angle Recoil StrengthHow much deviation the weapon will suffer after each shot
RandomnessOverall 'organic' feeling of recoil animation


This clip activates the laziness effect on the player's hands while he moves. Careful set-up of the clip allows to simulate different weight feelings for different weapons.

After the clip is activated, it will start reading the player movement and compute weapon offsets in real time.

Ease Factor Inc, Ease Factor DecHow much it takes for the look poses to blend in (Inc) or out (Dec) when player looks around
Strafe Scope Factor, Rotate Scope FactorLegacy, do not use
Velocity Interpolation MultiplierFine tune control for the strafe
Velocity Low Pass FilterFilter applied to the player movement to make the sway more reactive or heavier
Acceleration SmoothingHelps making strafe poses less linear and more 'organic'
Acceleration Front AugmentationBy how much the strafe poses are more sensible to move back and forth as opposed to left and right
Vertical Velocity ScaleChanges the look poses behavior when player is going up or down a ramp
Sprint Camera AnimationLegacy, do not use
Look OffsetHow much the weapon moves around the screen when player looks around
Horiz Look RotRotation applied to the weapon when player looks left and right
Vert Look RotRotation applied to the weapon when player looks up and down
Strafe OffsetHow much the weapon moves when player moves around
Side Strafe OffsetRotation of the weapon when player starts strafing either to the left or to the right
Front Strafe RotRotation of the weapon when player starts moving forward or backward


Activates weapon wiggling/shaking.

frequencyShake frequency
intensityShake intensity