The Matchmaking module abstracts the matchmaking functionality of each platform into a more unified interface. It allows you to create and search for lobbies based on user defined lobby data or player counts. This allows an implementation of skill grouping or custom games with custom properties set by the game clients.
This documentation also includes lobby specific functionality; while lobbies do not rely on matchmaking, they are usually used in tandem.
Lobbies provide an abstracted set of functionalities, such as setting lobby data (game type, for example), as well as user data (which team the user prefers, for instance) and text communication between each lobby member. On some platforms, a single user can be a part of multiple lobbies and each lobby will have its own functions and events (for example, to leave a specific lobby).
Adds a lobby query filter that will be used on the next QueryLobbies call.
Platform(s) | Steam |
API | Cry::GamePlatform::IMatchmaking::AddLobbyQueryFilterString |
Flow Graph Nodes | GamePlatform:Matchmaking:AddLobbyQueryFilterString |
Schematyc Nodes | Function::GamePlatform::Service::Lobby::AddQueryLobbiesFilter |
Attempts to create a new matchmaking lobby.
Platform(s) | Steam |
API | Cry::GamePlatform::IMatchmaking::CreateLobby |
Flow Graph Nodes | GamePlatform:Matchmaking:CreateLobby |
Schematyc Nodes | Function::GamePlatform::Service::Lobby::CreateLobby |
Returns the lobby at the specified index from the QueryLobbies result (after the OnLobbyQueryComplete event).
Platform(s) | Steam |
API | Cry::GamePlatform::IMatchmaking::GetQueriedLobbyIdByIndex |
Flow Graph Nodes | GamePlatform:Matchmaking:GetQueriedLobbyIdByIndex |
Schematyc Nodes | Function::GamePlatform::Service::Lobby::GetQueriedLobbyIdByIndex |
Attempts to get the lobby identifier the specified user resides in (if any).
Platform(s) | Steam |
API | Cry::GamePlatform::IMatchmaking::GetUserLobby |
Flow Graph Nodes | GamePlatform:Matchmaking:GetUserLobby |
Schematyc Nodes | Function::GamePlatform::Service::Lobby::GetUserLobby |
Makes the local user join the specified lobby.
Platform(s) | Steam |
API | Cry::GamePlatform::IMatchmaking::JoinLobby |
Flow Graph Nodes | GamePlatform:Matchmaking:JoinLobby |
Schematyc Nodes | Function::GamePlatform::Service::Lobby::JoinLobby |
Queries the backend for lobbies that match any and all filters added since the last QueryLobbies call.
Listen for the OnLobbyQueryComplete event after querying the backend.
Platform(s) | Steam |
API | Cry::GamePlatform::IMatchmaking::QueryLobbies |
Flow Graph Nodes | GamePlatform:Matchmaking:QueryLobbies |
Schematyc Nodes | Function::GamePlatform::Service::Lobby::QueryLobbies |
Fired when a lobby has been created by the local user.
Platform(s) | Steam |
API | Cry::GamePlatform::IMatchmaking::IListener::OnCreatedLobby |
Flow Graph Nodes | GamePlatform:Listener:Matchmaking:OnCreatedLobby |
Schematyc Nodes | Signal::Receive::[EntityName]::Accounts::PlatformSignalReceiver::Matchmaking::OnCreatedLobby |
Fired when the local user joins a lobby.
Platform(s) | Steam |
API | Cry::GamePlatform::IMatchmaking::IListener::OnJoinedLobby |
Flow Graph Nodes | GamePlatform:Listener:Matchmaking:OnJoinedLobby |
Schematyc Nodes | Signal::Receive::[EntityName]::Accounts::PlatformSignalReceiver::Matchmaking::OnJoinedLobby |
Fired if a lobby join request fails.
Platform(s) | Steam |
API | Cry::GamePlatform::IMatchmaking::IListener::OnLobbyJoinFailed |
Flow Graph Nodes | GamePlatform:Listener:Matchmaking:OnLobbyJoinFailed |
Schematyc Nodes | Signal::Receive::[EntityName]::Accounts::PlatformSignalReceiver::Matchmaking::OnLobbyJoinFailed |
Fired on completion of a lobby query request.
Platform(s) | Steam |
API | Cry::GamePlatform::IMatchmaking::IListener::OnLobbyQueryComplete |
Flow Graph Nodes | GamePlatform:Listener:Matchmaking:OnLobbyQueryComplete |
Schematyc Nodes | Signal::Receive::[EntityName]::Accounts::PlatformSignalReceiver::Matchmaking::OnLobbyQueryComplete |
Fired when the local user attempts to join a lobby before receiving a response from the platform.
When a user tries to join a lobby, the response is either going to be success or failure. The OnPreJoinLobby is fired between the request to join and the response from the server that the request was a success.
Platform(s) | Steam |
API | Cry::GamePlatform::IMatchmaking::IListener::OnPreJoinLobby |
Flow Graph Nodes | GamePlatform:Listener:Matchmaking:OnPreJoinLobby |
Schematyc Nodes | Signal::Receive::[EntityName]::Accounts::PlatformSignalReceiver::Matchmaking::OnPreJoinLobby |
Retrieves lobby data of the specified key.
The data is made up of a key-value pair. The key corresponds to the name of the data, while the value is the data itself.
Platform(s) | Steam |
API | Cry::GamePlatform::IUserLobby::GetData |
Flow Graph Nodes | GamePlatform:Lobby:GetData |
Schematyc Nodes | Function::GamePlatform::Service::Lobby::GetData |
Queries the lobby for the member at the specified index.
Platform(s) | Steam |
API | Cry::GamePlatform::IUserLobby::GetMemberAtIndex |
Flow Graph Nodes | GamePlatform:Lobby:GetMemberAtIndex |
Schematyc Nodes | Function::GamePlatform::Service::Lobby::GetMemberAtIndex |
Gets the meta-data of the user in the lobby by key name.
Platform(s) | Steam |
API | Cry::GamePlatform::IUserLobby::GetMemberData |
Flow Graph Nodes | GamePlatform:Lobby:GetMemberData |
Schematyc Nodes | Function::GamePlatform::Service::Lobby::GetMemberData |
Queries the specified lobby for the maximum number of users that can inhabit it.
Platform(s) | Steam |
API | Cry::GamePlatform::IUserLobby::GetMemberLimit |
Flow Graph Nodes | GamePlatform:Lobby:GetMemberLimit |
Schematyc Nodes | Function::GamePlatform::Service::Lobby::GetMemberLimit |
Queries the specified lobby for the current number of users that are inhabiting it.
Platform(s) | Steam |
API | Cry::GamePlatform::IUserLobby::GetNumMembers |
Flow Graph Nodes | GamePlatform:Lobby:GetMemberCount |
Schematyc Nodes | Function::GamePlatform::Service::Lobby::GetNumMembers |
Queries the lobby for the member that owns the lobby.
Platform(s) | Steam |
API | Cry::GamePlatform::IUserLobby::GetOwnerId |
Flow Graph Nodes | GamePlatform:Lobby:GetOwnerId |
Schematyc Nodes | Function::GamePlatform::Service::Lobby::GetOwnerId |
Makes the local user leave the specified lobby.
Platform(s) | Steam |
API | Cry::GamePlatform::IUserLobby::Leave |
Flow Graph Nodes | GamePlatform:Lobby:Leave |
Schematyc Nodes | Function::GamePlatform::Service::Lobby::Leave |
Sends a message to the specified lobby.
Platform(s) | Steam |
API | Cry::GamePlatform::IUserLobby::SendChatMessage |
Flow Graph Nodes | GamePlatform:Lobby:SendChatMessage |
Schematyc Nodes | Function::GamePlatform::Service::Lobby::SendChatMessage |
Sets the lobby data of the key to the specified value.
Platform(s) | Steam |
API | Cry::GamePlatform::IUserLobby::SetData |
Flow Graph Nodes | GamePlatform:Lobby:SetData |
Schematyc Nodes | Function::GamePlatform::Service::Lobby::SetData |
Sets the meta-data of the local user in the lobby.
Platform(s) | Steam |
API | Cry::GamePlatform::IUserLobby::SetMemberData |
Flow Graph Nodes | GamePlatform:Lobby:SetLocalMemberData |
Schematyc Nodes | Function::GamePlatform::Service::Lobby::SetLocalMemberData |
Shows the platform-specific invite dialog to invite friends to the current lobby.
Platform(s) | Steam |
API | Cry::GamePlatform::IUserLobby::ShowInviteDialog |
Flow Graph Nodes | GamePlatform:Lobby:ShowInviteDialog |
Schematyc Nodes | Function::GamePlatform::Service::Lobby::ShowInviteDialog |
Fired for each message received in the lobby.
Platform(s) | Steam |
API | Cry::GamePlatform::IUserLobby::IListener::OnChatMessage |
Flow Graph Nodes | GamePlatform:Listener:Lobby:OnChatMessage |
Schematyc Nodes | Signal::Receive::[EntityName]::Accounts::PlatformSignalReceiver::Lobby::OnChatMessage |
Fired when the local user leaves the lobby.
Platform(s) | Steam |
API | Cry::GamePlatform::IUserLobby::IListener::OnLeave |
Flow Graph Nodes | GamePlatform:Listener:Lobby:OnLeave |
Schematyc Nodes | Signal::Receive::[EntityName]::Accounts::PlatformSignalReceiver::Lobby::OnLeave |
Fired when the lobby data has been updated.
Platform(s) | Steam |
API | Cry::GamePlatform::IUserLobby::IListener::OnLobbyDataUpdate |
Flow Graph Nodes | GamePlatform:Listener:Lobby:OnLobbyDataUpdate |
Schematyc Nodes | Signal::Receive::[EntityName]::Accounts::PlatformSignalReceiver::OnLobbyDataUpdate |
Fired when a lobby member is banned from the lobby.
Platform(s) | Steam |
API | Cry::GamePlatform::IUserLobby::IListener::OnPlayerBanned |
Flow Graph Nodes | GamePlatform:Listener:Lobby:OnPlayerBanned |
Schematyc Nodes | Signal::Receive::[EntityName]::Accounts::PlatformSignalReceiver::Lobby::OnPlayerBanned |
Fired when a lobby member loses connection to the lobby.
Platform(s) | Steam |
API | Cry::GamePlatform::IUserLobby::IListener::OnPlayerDisconnected |
Flow Graph Nodes | GamePlatform:Listener:Lobby:OnPlayerDisconnected |
Schematyc Nodes | Signal::Receive::[EntityName]::Accounts::PlatformSignalReceiver::Lobby::OnPlayerDisconnected |
Fired when a member enters the lobby.
Platform(s) | Steam |
API | Cry::GamePlatform::IUserLobby::IListener::OnPlayerEntered |
Flow Graph Nodes | GamePlatform:Listener:Lobby:OnPlayerEntered |
Schematyc Nodes | Signal::Receive::[EntityName]::Accounts::PlatformSignalReceiver::Lobby::OnPlayerEntered |
Fired when a lobby member is kicked from the lobby.
Platform(s) | Steam |
API | Cry::GamePlatform::IUserLobby::IListener::OnPlayerKicked |
Flow Graph Nodes | GamePlatform:Listener:Lobby:OnPlayerKicked |
Schematyc Nodes | Signal::Receive::[EntityName]::Accounts::PlatformSignalReceiver::Lobby::OnPlayerKicked |
Fired when a lobby member intentionally leaves the lobby.
Platform(s) | Steam |
API | Cry::GamePlatform::IUserLobby::IListener::OnPlayerLeft |
Flow Graph Nodes | GamePlatform:Listener:Lobby:OnPlayerLeft |
Schematyc Nodes | Signal::Receive::[EntityName]::Accounts::PlatformSignalReceiver::Lobby::OnPlayerLeft |
Fired when a lobby member updates their member data.
Platform(s) | Steam |
API | Cry::GamePlatform::IUserLobby::IListener::OnUserDataUpdate |
Flow Graph Nodes | GamePlatform:Listener:Lobby:OnUserDataUpdate |
Schematyc Nodes | Signal::Receive::[EntityName]::Accounts::PlatformSignalReceiver::Lobby::OnUserDataUpdate |
Starts or stops lobby event listeners.
This function handles starting and stopping events for specific lobbies. A user can be connected to more than one lobby at a time, and so control is needed over which lobbies are being listened to (for instance, when the local user leaves a lobby).
Platform(s) | Steam |
API | Cry::GamePlatform::IPlatformEventManager::[Start|Stop]Listening |
Flow Graph Nodes | GamePlatform:Listener:RemoteStorage:StartStopLobbyListener |
Schematyc Nodes | Function::Components::PlatformSignalReceiver::StartStopRemoteFileListener |
If the local user leaves a lobby, you technically do not need to call StartStopLobbyListener as all listeners to that lobby will be unregistered when you leave the lobby