struct PathPointDescriptor { struct SmartObjectNavData : public _i_reference_target_t { unsigned fromIndex; unsigned toIndex; }; struct SmartObjectMNMData { uint32 meshID; uint32 offMeshLinkID; }; Vec3 vPos; IAISystem::ENavigationType navType; uint16 navTypeCustomId; SmartObjectNavDataPtr pSONavData; SmartObjectMNMData soMNMData; ENavSOMethod navSOMethod; };
struct SmartObjectMNMData { uint32 meshID; uint32 offMeshLinkID; };
uint32 meshID;
uint32 offMeshLinkID;
unsigned fromIndex;
unsigned toIndex;
void Serialize(TSerialize ser);
Callable only inside the AISystem module. It's implemented there.
ENavSOMethod navSOMethod;
IAISystem::ENavigationType navType;
uint16 navTypeCustomId;
SmartObjectNavDataPtr pSONavData;
SmartObjectMNMData soMNMData;
Vec3 vPos;
static bool ArePointsEquivalent(const PathPointDescriptor& point1, const PathPointDescriptor& point2);
bool IsEquivalent(const PathPointDescriptor& other) const;
PathPointDescriptor(IAISystem::ENavigationType navType = IAISystem::NAV_UNSET, const Vec3& vPos = ZERO);
PathPointDescriptor(const Vec3& vPos);
void Serialize(TSerialize ser);
Callable only inside the AISystem module. It's implemented there.
typedef _smart_ptr< SmartObjectNavData > SmartObjectNavDataPtr;