struct PathFollowerParams { float normalSpeed; float pathRadius; float pathLookAheadDist; float maxAccel; float maxDecel; float minSpeed; float maxSpeed; float endAccuracy; float endDistance; bool stopAtEnd; bool use2D; bool isVehicle; bool isAllowedToShortcut; IAISystem::tNavCapMask navCapMask; float passRadius; };
float endAccuracy;
< How close to the end point the agent must be to finish pathing
float endDistance;
< stop this much before the end
bool isAllowedToShortcut;
bool isVehicle;
float maxAccel;
< maximum acceleration of the entity
float maxDecel;
< maximum deceleration of the entity
float maxSpeed;
< maximum output speed
float minSpeed;
< minimum output speed (unless it's zero on path end etc)
IAISystem::tNavCapMask navCapMask;
Add to serialize... The navigation capabilities of the agent
float normalSpeed;
< normal entity speed
float passRadius;
The minimum radius of the agent for navigating
float pathLookAheadDist;
< how far we look ahead along the path - normally the same as pathRadius
float pathRadius;
< max deviation allowed from the path
bool stopAtEnd;
< aim to finish the path by reaching the end position (stationary), or simply overshoot
bool use2D;
< follow in 2 or 3D
void Serialize(TSerialize ser);
Callable only inside the AISystem module. It's implemented there.