struct IPhysRenderer { };
this is a callback interface for debug rendering, physics gets a pointer to an implementation
virtual ~IPhysRenderer();
virtual void DrawGeometry(IGeometry * pGeom, struct geom_world_data * pgwd, int idxColor = 0, int bSlowFadein = 0, const Vec3 & sweepDir = Vec3(0)) = 0;
draws helpers for the specified geometry (idxColor is in 0..7 range)
virtual void DrawLine(const Vec3& pt0, const Vec3& pt1, int idxColor = 0, int bSlowFadein = 0) = 0;
draws a line for wireframe helpers
virtual void DrawText(const Vec3 & pt, const char * txt, int idxColor, float saturation = 0) = 0;
draws a text line (stauration is 0..1 and is currently used to represent stress level on a breakable joint)
virtual const char * GetForeignName(void * pForeignData, int iForeignData, int iForeignFlags) = 0;
gets a descriptive name of the phys entity's owner (used solely for debug output)
virtual Vec3 SetOffset(const Vec3 & offs = Vec3(ZERO)) = 0;
sets an offset that is to be added to all subsequent draw requests