struct CryCharAnimationParams { f32 m_fTransTime; f32 m_fKeyTime; f32 m_fPlaybackSpeed; f32 m_fAllowMultilayerAnim; int32 m_nLayerID; f32 m_fPlaybackWeight; uint32 m_nFlags; uint32 m_nUserToken; f32 m_fUserData[NUM_ANIMATION_USER_DATA_SLOTS]; };
This structure describes the parameters used to start an animation on a character.
f32 m_fAllowMultilayerAnim;
if this is '1' then we can play animation on higher layers and they overwrite the channels on lower layers.
f32 m_fKeyTime;
keytime[0-1]. can be used to start a transition animation.
f32 m_fPlaybackSpeed;
multiplier for animation-update.
f32 m_fPlaybackWeight;
Animation specific weight multiplier, applied on top of the existing layer weight
f32 m_fTransTime;
transition time between two animations.
a set of weights that are blended together just like the animation is, for calling code's benefit
uint32 m_nFlags;
Combination of flags defined above.
int32 m_nLayerID;
Specify the layer where to start the animation.
uint32 m_nUserToken;
Token specified by the animation calling code for it's own benefit.
CryCharAnimationParams(int _nLayerID = 0, uint32 _nFlags = 0);
void Serialize(TSerialize ser);