Using the Align Tool


Using the Align Tool

This Tutorial will show the basics how to use the AlignTool.

First of all, a valid Biped object needs to be selected (Hand, Foot or Toe)

(This function works only with these 3 cases as they are the last part of the IK-Chain)

This tool will allow you to manually select a pivot that you can align to a snapshot.

Below is a description of the various ways in which you can select parts of the biped object to use in the align operation :

(The foot is used as an example since it has the most exceptions relating to it)

Select the foot.

Hit Select Pivot in the Pivot dialog:

You should see some additional lines and points on the biped foot object. When you mouse over these objects they will be highlighted orange/yellow. Left clicking will select this part of the foot for alignment and right clicking will deselect the operation.

The following image shows the front right pivot of the foot selected:

You can also select other points like the toe:

(In this case you would also need a snapshot of the toe)

Edges can also be selected:

(In this case, the edge of the foot will be aligned to the snapshot object, while the rotation along the local Y axis will be retained)

Forward edges can also be selected:

(The forward edge of the foot will be aligned to the snapshot object while the rotation on the local z axis will be retained)

After this, select Current Selection, Move and Snapshot to align the foot to the nearest snapshot:

Then hit Apply, Begin/End or Range to process the operation (see Operation dialog for the functionality of these buttons):

After the operation is complete, it should look something like this:

(The foot was moved to the snapshot considering the offset of the selected pivot)