CryAnim Main Dialog Box - Old

CryAnim Main Dialog Box - Old

The old CryAnim Dialog Box can be enable in the CryAnim Control Panel.

Main Dialog Box

Selection Rollout

Drop-Down List: In the drop down list, you can specify the object you want to apply the operation to.

  • When choosing Update List, the list will be updated with the available nodes in the scene.
  • If the selection is not Current Selection but an object in the scene is selected, the axis and offset is available and the Operation rollout will be updated.

Used Axis: If enabled, you can select which coordinate axis will be used for the operation.

Offset Set Button: If enabled, sets the offset from the current selected object and the object selected in the drop down list. After the offset is generated, the Offset checkboxes are available.

Offset Axis: If position is checked, the selected object will be in addition to the offset aligned to the object set in the list.

  • With this, the locator can be easily aligned in cycles or other animations, where the locator has a different position as the object selected in the list.
  • If rotation is checked, the selected object will be in addition to the offset rotated to the object set in the list.
  • This helps when animating the locator in animations where the character runs in circles and the locator needs to follow up.

Operation Rollout

Start/Stop: This button sets the range of operation. The red square box indicates which value will be changed when hitting again.
Steps: Specify how many steps the operation will use. (Default is 1)
Operation: If 'Current Selection' is selected in the Selection rollout:



Planted Key

generates a planted key

Sliding Key

generates a sliding key

Free Key

generates a free key


moves the selected Biped object to the nearest snapshot / pivot point

Move / Rotate

moves and rotates the selected Biped object

Move to Floor

if the foot is selected it puts the foot on the floor

Reset Rotation

adapts the rotation of the selected objects parent rotation


copies the rotation and position of the current selected object


pastes the rotation / position / transform to the current selected object

Bip to [0,0]

puts Bip01 node to [0,0]

Bip to [0,0,0]

puts Bip01 node to [0,0,0]

  • If some Object in the list is selected:




Moves the selected Biped object to the object selected in the list


Moves the selected Biped object with reference of the selected object in the list along a line

Apply: Applies the selected operation to the selected object one time.

  • Begin/End: Applies the selected operation in the specified range (Start / Stop) and with the given Steps.
  • Range: Applies the selected operation for the Full animation range with the given Steps.

Pivot Rollout

  • Select Pivot: If a foot is selected, you can select which pivot you want to operate with for Move operation.
  • Create: Creates a new Pivot Point with the selected pivot.
  • Delete: Deletes the Pivot Point of the selected Biped Object.
  • Single: Creates a single snapshot from the selected Object.
  • + Children: Creates snapshot from the children of the selected Object and integrates them into a group.

Misc Rollout

Load Model
If a model list is created before, the model selected will be opened (without message box asking to save changes).

Setting Up Models

Reset Locator
Rotates and translates the locator to Y+ and [0,0,0] (origin of scene).

Weapons Drop-Down List
If a weapon list is created before, the weapon selected will be unhidden, every weapon before will be hidden (needs reference in weapons_ref.max in tools folder).

If checked and nanoMuscles are in the scene, automatically repositions the look-at targets without animating.

If unchecked and Use Keys is unchecked too, keys will be generated automatically when changing the timeline.

When exporting using the cryAnim tools, the nanoMuscles will be baked automatically by export.

Use Key
Is available when Auto-Muscles is unchecked.

If nanoMuscles are baked and Use Keys is checked, it will not generate keys when changing the timeline. Needed when tweaking the bones.

If there is no nanoMuscles rig available on the character, it will be generated.

Bakes the nanoMuscles Keys.

Load/Save/Export Rollout

Load Biped File
Prompts a open file dialog where you can choose the biped you want to load (must have correct file naming: works not without file extension).

Sets the range to save the biped to.

Sets the current animation range to save the biped to.

Uses the biped range for saving.

If a bone is currently selected, the bone will be added to the bone export list.

If a bone is selected in the list, it will be deleted.

Prompts a saving file dialog to choose a file where to save the biped to.

Prompts a saving file dialog to choose a file where to export to.

Prompts a saving file dialog to choose a file where to save to.

(It will generate automatically the correct path for the CAF file and export the biped.)

Batch Export
Runs the batch exporter to export .bip or .fbx files.

Using the Batch Export

Perforce Rollout

If checked, tries to get latest revision every minute from perforce.

If checked, shows a message box if there is a new updated installed.





Open For Edit

always open

never open

prompt message to ask

Add to Source Control

always add

never add

prompt message to ask

Tools Rollout

  • Reload Script: Destroys the dialog and runs the loading script to load all necessary files again.
  • Prompt for File: When saving or exporting, a open file dialog pops up to get the file location the animation should be saved to (works only with extension).
  • Biped Working Directory: Has the path of the directory to use when Save / Exporting animations and will be the default folder when Loading Biped Files.
  • Pick: Opens a dialog to get the directory for the biped files.
  • Set: Assigns the folder path to the variable used internally.
  • Use Rollout States: If checked, remembers the last state (rolled up/down) of the rollouts and when loading the dialog again, these states will be set.
  • Notify File Attribute: If checked, pops up a message box if the file to save or export to is read-only.