Sequence Toolbar


Icons, Properties Window and Their Functionality

Sequence Properties

Sequence Properties Window



When to Use


Automatically starts the sequence on game start.

Only for testing purposes.
If the sequence is supposed to always play on game start, use triggers instead.


Disables random seeking in a cutscene, such as jumping to a certain time.


- Enables the Cut-Scene Toggles.
- Enables skipping.
- Helps with the transition to camera-control.

Required for all scenes that are camera-controlled.

Update Movie System First

Normally the movie system update happens before the entity system update.
This will reverse the order to update the movie system before the entity system.

Use it to fix bone-attached entities that lag behind their parent's movement.
Usually this problem occurs if the parent's locator position is animated in Track View.
For more information see .

Timewarp in fixed time step

Makes Timewarp modify the fixed time step value instead of modifying the time scale value.

Use it for capturing sequences in fixed time step that use at least one Timewarp.
The Timewarp won't be captured correctly otherwise,
because using fixed time step overrules the time scale value.

Cut-Scene Toggles

These only work if CutScene has been checked in the Properties field.



When to Use

Disable HUD

Completely disables the HUD.

Only if the HUD isn't supposed to be shown at all.

Disable Player

Disables the player.

Required for all camera-controlled scenes.


Prevents the player from skipping the sequence.

Special cases (e.g. an important QTE event).

Disable Sound

Disables all sounds not in the sequence.

Track View Buttons

Each icon in the toolbar has a rollover hint that details what it does.




Add Sequence

This is used for creating and adding new sequences

Delete Sequence

This is used for deleting an existing sequence

Edit Sequence

This is used for editing the sequence properties of an existing sequence

Add Selected Node

Adds a selected entity to the Track View

Add Scene Node

Adds the scene track to the Track View; the scene track contains the high-level components of the scene, like the camera that needs to be used

Find Node

Opens a window for finding and selecting a node in Track View

Go to start of sequence


It also has a drop-down list, using which the playback speed can be adjusted by selecting the different available values



Go to end of sequence


When active, an entity that is selected and contained in the Track View will have its position recorded at the current frame

Auto Recording

Specifies the record speed of auto recording




Go to previous key

Moves the time slider to the previous frame on the track

Go to next key

moves the time slider to the next frame on the track

Copy all selected keys to the currently selected track

Copies a selected key to a selected track

Move Keys

Moves the selected key back and forth, when dragged

Slide Keys

Moves the selected key and all the keys proceeding it back and forth, when dragged

Scale Keys

Scales the selected key and all the keys proceeding it, when dragged

Add Key

Adds a key frame to the selected track; this can also be done by double-clicking the timeline track

Delete Key

Deletes the key; this can also be done by selecting a key in the track and pressing Delete

Current Time

Displays the current time position of the slider

No Snapping

Turns snapping on/off

Magnet Snapping

Turns Magnet Snapping on/off

Frame Snapping

Turns Frame Snapping on/off

Tick Snapping

Turns Tick Snapping on/off

Frame Rate

Opens the frame rate dialog box

Input the frame rate here

Type the node name to find in Track View here

Standard Setups

Camera-controlled sequences.

Sequences without camera control.

Changing Cut-Scene Toggles Mid-Sequence

Cut-Scene Toggles can be changed mid-sequence by starting another sequence that runs in parallel.

This is primarily used to briefly turn on camera-control in a sequence that allows free player movement. (Example: Opening the hatch at the beginning of the submarine intro in Crysis 2.)

Example setup

Main sequence:

Main sequence Track View sequence and its Sequence Properties.

The main sequence allows free player movement and will enter a loop at second 1. A Switch entity will make the sequence jump to second 2 later, which starts a short camera-controlled segment.


Sub-sequence Track View sequence and its Sequence Properties.

The sub-sequence is only used to change the Cutscene-Toggles which will enable camera-control. Its length depends on how long camera-control should be active.

Flowgraph used to control both sequences.

Once the player uses the Switch entity, the camera-controlled part at second 2 will start.