Cloth Shader

The Cloth Shader has been deprecated since 3.6.0. It is removed in 3.7.0. You can achieve similar results with Illum Shader and also Vertex Deformation can simulate wind effects.


The Cloth shader is a specialized shader for rendering cloth surfaces. It can simulate a wide range of cloth types, from canvas, silk, velvet, fabric, leather, and even rubber (ex: scuba diver suit).

Cloth Shader Params



Shader Gen Option

Alpha glow multiplier

See Illum Shader for more information.

Glow in Diffuse alpha

Ambient spec multiplier

Sets specular intensity/multiplier.

Anisotropy Shape

See Illum Shader for more information.

Anisotropic specular

Detail bump scale

See Unified Detail Mapping for more information.

Detail mapping

Detail diffuse scale

See Unified Detail Mapping for more information.

Detail mapping

Detail gloss scale

See Unified Detail Mapping for more information.

Detail mapping

Diffuse falloff

Set diffuse strength/amount in material, essentially fresnel control for diffuse texture.

Fresnel bias

See Illum Shader for more information.


Fresnel scale

See Illum Shader for more information.


Fuzzyness Saturation

Allows you to change the saturation of the diffuse texture used for the fuzzy.
The lower the value the grayscale it gets, the higher the more saturated.

Fuzzyness smoothness

Sets how smooth fuzzy layer fades out (use in compensation with fuzzyness spreading).

Fuzzyness spreading amount

Sets how much the fuzzy layer should cover the on surface.

Fuzzyness Strength

Sets the intensity of the fuzzyness.

Indirect bounce color

See Illum Shader for more information.


Wind frequency

Sets the speed at which the verts are deformed.

Wind bending

Wind phase

Sets cloth animation phase and randomizes the deformation.

Wind bending

Wind wave0 amp

Sets the amount or amplitude at which the verts are deformed.

Wind bending

Wind wave2 amp

Sets the amount or amplitude at which the verts are deformed on a different curve.

Wind bending

Sparks Pow

DEPRECATED - Sets the smoothness or sharpness of the spark layer (Specific parameter for nanosuit effects).

Sparks multiplier

DEPRECATED - Sets the intensity of the spark layer (Specific parameter for nanosuit effects).

Sparks phase

DEPRECATED - Sets the scale of the sparks(Specific parameter for nanosuit effects).

Sparks frequency

DEPRECATED - Moves the sparks layer (Specific parameter for nanosuit effects).

Sparks color

DEPRECATED - Sets the color of the sparks (Specific parameter for nanosuit effects).

Metallic amount

DEPRECATED - Makes the shader more metallic (Specific parameter for nanosuit effects).

Reflection Amount

DEPRECATED - Increases the reflection of the environment map (Specific parameter for nanosuit effects).

Fresnel scale shadow

DEPRECATED - Sets the intensity of the environment map reflection in shadows.

Shader Gen Params



Anisotropic specular

See Illum Shader for more information.

Vertex Colors

See Illum Shader for more information.

Glow in Diffuse alpha

See Illum Shader for more information.

Detail mapping

See Unified Detail Mapping for more information.

Wind bending

Simulate wind effects.

DetailMap mask in Diffuse alpha

See Illum Shader for more information.

Cloth Properties

In general cloth isn't very reflective (i.e no specular highlights). Also depending on the cloth type (like velvet for example), it reflects more/less light depending on the view position.

One interesting property of some cloth types is that it's slightly brighter on sharper angles (i.e: on silhouettes), this is mainly due to fibers present on cloth reflecting and letting light pass by, which gives cloth a fuzzy/furry look (quite visible on wool/cotton made cloth).

Some cloth types are slightly reflective, like leather and silk. On these types of cloth, specular highlight has a special anisotropic (AnisotropicHighlights) property.

Using the Cloth Shader

The shader replicates all the above properties, and it's quite simple to use. There are 5 default parameters:

Diffuse Falloff

Diffuse falloff = 0Diffuse falloff = 0.5 (default)Diffuse falloff = 1

Fuzzyness Strength

Fuzzyness Strength = 0Fuzzyness Strength = 1.5 (default)Fuzzyness Strength = 10

Fuzzyness smoothness

Fuzzyness smoothness = 0Fuzzyness smoothness = 1 (default)Fuzzyness smoothness = 10

Fuzzyness spreading amount

Fuzzyness spreading amount = 0Fuzzyness spreading amount = 1 (default)Fuzzyness spreading amount = 10

Fuzzyness Saturation

The fuzzy layer, gets it's color from the diffuse layer, but in some cases, for example if the diffuse color is quite colorful we get some oversaturation on the fuzzy layer.

This parameters allows you to change the saturation of the diffuse texture used for the fuzzy. The lower the value the grayscale it gets, the higher the more saturated.

Fuzzyness Saturation = 0Fuzzyness Saturation = 1 (default)Fuzzyness Saturation = 2
You can mask out fuzzy areas/specular highlights, by setting a specular map. The gloss for the fuzzy layer comes from specular map alpha channel. For the anisotropic highlights the gloss comes comes from the RGB channels.

Case Study: Silk

In this mini-tutorial, we'll check how to achieve a silk look. A nice way of doing this is by first getting photographs of the look you want to achieve and use them as a reference. For this one, I tried to find some generic looking silk cloth.

  • Here's our original model. First step I did, was to try to match the colors, by making a diffuse texture similar in photoshop:

  • Next step, was to match surface fuzzyness by setting fuzzy smoothness and spreading to 3.0, so that we got a nice fuzzy look (and similar to reference):

  • Silk has some interesting specular highlights, so next step was to activate the Anisotropic Specular shader parameter.

  • From the top image, we see that specular is completely out of place, too bright, colors don't match at all. Lets adjust it by setting a specular map with a similar color to the diffuse texture.

  • The only thing left is changing the Anisotropic Shape to 0.8 so that we get a radial specular highlight shape. Also fuzzyness, is not as strong as in reference image, lets increase Fuzzyness Strength to 2.2