Illum Shader


The Illum Shader is the most commonly used shader. It can be used to create an extremely wide variety of effects. If there is no specific shader for the type of effect you are trying to achieve, use the Illum Shader.

Shader Params



Shader Gen Option

Emittance Map Gamma

Expands lower range of emittance texture and allows darker colors to be interpreted as even less bright. This can be necessary to make a strongly emissive surface/object like a flame appear smooth. (1.0: Original range, 2.0: Maximum range)


Blend Factor

See Blend Layer for more information.

Blend Layer

Blend Falloff

See Blend Layer for more information.

Blend Layer

Blend Layer 2 Spec

See Blend Layer for more information.

Blend Layer

Blend Layer 2 Tiling

See Blend Layer for more information.

Blend Layer

Blend Mask Tiling

See Blend Layer for more information.

Blend Layer

Decal Alpha Falloff

Pow applied to decal alpha.


Decal Alpha Multiplier

Multiplier applied to decal alpha.


Decal Diffuse Opacity

Opacity multiplier for fading out decal diffuse color.


Detail bump scale

See Unified Detail Mapping for more information.

Detail Mapping

Detail diffuse scale

See Unified Detail Mapping for more information.

Detail Mapping

Detail gloss scale

See Unified Detail Mapping for more information.

Detail Mapping

Dirt Gloss

See Dirt Layer for more information.

Dirt Layer

Dirt Map Alpha

See Dirt Layer for more information.

Dirt Layer

Dirt Strength

See Dirt Layer for more information.

Dirt Layer

Dirt Tilling

See Dirt Layer for more information.

Dirt Layer

Dirt Tint

See Dirt Layer for more information.

Dirt Layer

Displacement bias

See Tessellation and Displacement for more information.

Displacement Mapping

Displacement height scale

See Tessellation and Displacement for more information.

Displacement Mapping

Height bias

See Parallax Occlusion Mapping for more information.


Indirect bounce color

Modulates the bounced light from Global Illumination.

Left: Default 136,136,136 setting. Right: 0,255,0 setting. Both exaggerated.

Default (Global Illumination)

OBM Displacement

See Displacement Maps for more information.

Offset bump mapping

POM Displacement

See Parallax Occlusion Mapping for more information.

Parallax occlusion mapping

Self shadow strength

See Parallax Occlusion Mapping for more information.

Parallax Occlusion Mapping

SSS Index

Subsurface Scattering Index. Integer and Fractal usage applies. 0 to disable.
0.01 - 0.99 for Marble. 1.00 - 1.99 for Skin. 3-4 are reserved for future use.

Left: SSS disabled value of 0. Right: SSS value at 0.99 to simulate Marble scattering.


Tessellation face cull

See Tessellation and Displacement for more information.

Displacement Mapping

Tessellation factor

See Tessellation and Displacement for more information.

Displacement Mapping

Tessellation factor max

See Tessellation and Displacement for more information.

Displacement Mapping

Tessellation factor min

See Tessellation and Displacement for more information.

Displacement Mapping

Shader Gen Params



Detail mapping

See Unified Detail Mapping for more information.

Offset bump mapping

See Displacement Maps for more information.

Vertex Colors

Allows the use of fake ambient occlusion by using vertex colors, or adds a bit more depth and contrast to the 3D model.
Vertex colors have to be added to the geometry in the 3D modeling software.


Activate this function if you use a Decal. Decal planes are normally placed very close to other geometry.
By activating decal, you can avoid typical problems like flickering and z-fighting when faces are close to each other.
The decal position will be adjusted and the render priority changed. For more information please see Decals.

Parallax occlusion mapping

See Parallax Occlusion Mapping for more information.

Displacement mapping

See Tessellation and Displacement for more information.

Phong tessellation

See Tessellation and Displacement for more information.

PN triangles tessellation

See Tessellation and Displacement for more information.



See Dirt Layer for more information.


See Blend Layer for more information.

DetailMap mask in Diffuse alpha

Allow the artist to use the alpha channel in RGBA texture map to mask the decal.

Silhouette POM

See Silhouette POM for more information.