To become a contributor you need to:
Customer Support does refer to a means of how people can contact you in case they have questions or problems with the assets you provide. So please enter valid contact information.
The CRYENGINE Marketplace has been converted into an Asset Database - so only free assets can be provided. If you registered as a vendor before, you will still see your vendor account and a wallet with information about previous sales and purchases.
But going forward, you won't be able to sell assets for money. All paid assets have been hidden in the Marketplace conversion, but you are welcome to decide if you want to change the price and provide them for free going forward or to keep them hidden.
To make sure people who previously bought your assets on the CRYENGINE Marketplace can still access their purchase, we will keep the assets in our database regardless and make them available for re-downloading to everyone who purchased them previously.
When your contributor account has been completed, you will be able to submit your assets via the CRYENGINE Launcher. For a detailed breakdown of the asset submission process, and best practices, see the Asset submission guide.
If you had a vendor account before the changes on February 28th, 2022 were rolled out, you can still submit assets, but you will not be able to submit assets with a price tag. You may have to edit assets previously available for a fee if you want them to be available for new users.
By agreeing to offer your asset on the CRYENGINE Asset Database, you are granting Crytek a non-exclusive right to distribute your asset via the Asset Database and use it for marketing purposes. That means we might use pictures or videos you upload to advertise or inform people about the benefits of the asset database or advertise your items in a contributor spotlight that can also be shared on secondary platforms like Discord, Facebook, and Twitter.
We will never claim your work to be ours, give credit to you by name displayed on the Asset Database, and are happy to link to your social profiles if you decided to list them, publicly.
Your work still belongs to you, and you retain ownership over it. You can freely redistribute it through other channels such as other online trading fronts or stores, or directly to users via other means of trade.
Users that have downloaded your content from CRYENGINE Asset Database are free to modify it. All items sold are non-transferable, and users cannot sub-license the asset for further distribution, regardless of whether they have modified it or not. Users cannot buy your asset and then distribute it to other developers to use in other projects, for example by listing it on the Asset Database again, or another store or platform outside of the CRYENGINE ecosystem.
You as the contributor are responsible for the following:
Asset updates can be managed using the CRYENGINE launcher. To upload a new version of your asset:
Your new asset version will enter the review process. You can check the current review status from the My Submissions page on the Launcher, or from the Pending assets page on the website. The original version will still be available in the asset database until the new version has been approved.
There are some reasons why your assets may be removed from the Asset Database. These reasons include but aren’t limited to the following:
If any of your items are taken down from the CRYENGINE Asset Database, we will notify you. Get in touch via our Contact page for further information.