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WW2 is an enduring setting for videogames and today we’re checking out assets available on CRYENGINE Marketplace that will help you create the perfect period piece.
Featuring nine high quality assets perfect for your next WW2 FPS, the World War II / Axis First Person Assets Volume 1 pack from GazuOne features a range of firearms, grenades, knives, mines, and more to help you create some seriously explosive action. Each of the nine supplied assets are PBR textured and ready to go for your CRYENGINE project.
You can expand your armory further with a period pistol piece from lugiagames. The World War II - American Pistol arrives ready for rigging and with a 4K texture resolution. This sharp-shooting pistol could be the perfect sidearm for the protagonists in your next game.
These assets and more are available on CRYENGINE Marketplace right now, and if you decide to pick some new goodies up for your project, don’t forget to leave a review. And of course, we’d love to see your work. Let us know and give us your feedback on the forums, Facebook, or Twitter.