Hotfix Today: CRYENGINE 5.7.1 LTS is here
Hotfix Today: CRYENGINE 5.7.1 LTS is here

Hotfix Today: CRYENGINE 5.7.1 LTS is here

CRYENGINE 5.7 Long Term Support Update receives a hotfix today. Check out the highlights and release notes.

CRYENGINE 5.7 Long Term Support Update, the most advanced version of our engine, receives a hotfix today. We'd like to thank all of you for your feedback and support, enabling us to release this hotfix to improve your experience. The hotfix includes a range of bug fixes reported by the community and our internal teams and some new features. Fixes and improvements are across different areas of the engine, including animation, graphics and rending, tools, and more.

Hoftix Highlights:


  • New feature: Takes character motion into account when applying wind.


  • New feature: Added ability to set whether elements are compiled for clients, dedicated servers, or both.
  • Fixed: Crash when handling unsupported types in Schematyc traditionally handled via Any type in Flow Graph.


  • Fixed: Updated download link for automated SDKs download.


  • Fixed: Fixed crash with Dedicated Launcher and CryScaleformSchematyc.

You can read the full release notes for the hotfix here.

We appreciate everyone who has reported bugs and issues so far. Please continue to do so. You can report bugs via the private repository on GitHub and the official CRYENGINE forum.

We'd like to remind you that source code is only available for CRYENGINE 5.7 LTS via the private GitHub repository. A new README file on GitHub contains instructions for how to request source code, and you can also follow step-by-step instructions in our docs here .Source code for legacy versions of CRYENGINE are now deprecated. Whether you wish to access source code or not, please register your games with us so we can better support you and help with any problems you might come across when upgrading to CRYENGINE 5.7 LTS. 

If you have questions or feedback about CRYENGINE, let us know in the comments, on the forum, or via Facebook and Twitter. You can pick up tips and tricks about our game development, ask questions, and more by joining our community and the CRYENGINE development team over on our official CRYENGINE Discord channel.

If you find a bug in the engine, please report it directly on GitHub, which helps us to process the issue quickly and efficiently. Don't forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel, where we host a range of content, including tutorials covering all aspects of the engine and game design. Want to show your love for CRYENGINE? Pick up merch over on the official online Crytek Store

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