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As the 2015 Game Developers Conference comes to a close, Crytek is set to leave California on a wave of positivity. From a VR demo that had players "sweating", to the announcement that Crysis 3 is coming to NVIDIA’s new Android-based Shield console, there has been plenty of buzz around our showings since we arrived in San Francisco earlier this week.
Open to visitors on the floor, our “Back to Dinosaur Island” Oculus Rift demo drew a queue that didn’t diminish for the three-day duration of the expo. Press have been quick to praise our VR efforts, with SlashGear calling it “both realistic and extremely beautiful”, and Tom’s Guide declaring; “The demo had my blood pumping, and did a masterful job of truly immersing me in a world that words can barely manage to describe, and if Back to Dinosaur Island is just a showcase for what's possible with VR using CRYENGINE, then bring it on, because I can't wait to see a full-length game based on Crytek's exhibit at GDC.”
Lead Programmer at Crytek, Dario Sancho, talks about our Back to Dinosaur Island VR demo at GDC 2015.
Another highlight of the week was the afore-mentioned news that Crysis 3 is on its way to the NVIDIA Shield. At a press conference to announce the system on Tuesday evening, the revelation that our trilogy-closing FPS would be running on the Android-based system drew some gasps from those in attendance. Watch NVIDIA CEO Jen-Hsun Huang and Crytek’s Cevat Yerli discussing the details at 11:27 of the video below. Following the conference, Redbull.com proclaimed their excitement over the combination of Crysis 3 and Shield, saying; “It’s easily one of the best looking games on any console we’ve seen to date, and it looks like the new X1 chip featured in the microconsole is more than capable of handling its graphical fidelity. Even more impressive is that it can actually run the latest version of the CRYENGINE too.”
NVIDIA CEO Jen-Hsun Huang asks the all-important question of his company’s new console: Can it run Crysis?
Last, but certainly not least, Crytek’s GDC booth was also home to teams of indie developers using CRYENGINE to create amazing games through the Engine-as-a-Service subscription model. Staff from six different small studios were on hand to underscore the diversity of the engine and highlight how it is helping them to achieve their visions. In the weeks ahead we’ll take a closer look at each of those projects here on the Crytek blog and share video interviews with all of the teams who joined us on the show floor. For now, you can hear some of them calling out their most beloved features of CRYENGINE in the video below.
Indie developers at Crytek’s booth share their favorite things about CRYENGINE.
Check out the gallery for extra impressions of our week at GDC, and thank you to everyone who stopped by to discover more about just some of the things we’re currently working on. See you next year!