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CRYENGINE Launcher updated with a new UI and functionality, alongside the transition of The CRYENGINE Marketplace to a free asset database.
Today we update the CRYENGINE Launcher with a range of new features, a completely overhauled UI, revamped backend structure, and a new technology stack. The updated Launcher also arrives with functionality for the transition of The CRYENGINE Marketplace to a free asset trading platform called the CRYENGINE Asset Database. The details on the change from The CRYENGINE Marketplace to a free asset database were recently announced in this blog, detailing what it means for vendors and purchases.
The CRYENGINE Asset Database is now a place where you can download production-ready free assets from Crytek, including assets used in franchises like Crysis, Ryse, and The Climb. There are also free projects including assets and tutorials that will help you learn how to use CRYENGINE and a range of free assets from community members. CRYENGINE users can upload and share free assets for distribution on the new which will be a useful free resource for anyone making games with CRYENGINE.
You can read the full list of updates and fixes that arrive in the new Launcher in the official documentation here. Highlights include transitioning all existing Launcher features to a new application platform with a full UI refresh. You will now be able to submit assets to the Asset Database via a web browser as well as the Launcher, plus edit asset details without a lengthy review process and upload multiple versions of the same assets allowing for bug fixes, improvements, and different engine versions. The Launcher has a range of fixes to improve stability and functionality, a new technology stack allowing for future features to be added easily, and quality of life features like improving the login authorization, streamlined privacy policy check workflow, and more. Full reference documentation for the new launcher is also available, you can find it here.
A new FAQ for creators and users detailing the new CRYENGINE Asset database can be found here, including information on how to submit assets. We look forward to this free new resource becoming a place for CRYENGINE users to access and share assets that will help everyone in the community. We will monitor and update the platform as we go along, and we welcome your feedback.
If you have questions or feedback about CRYENGINE, let us know in the comments, on the forum, or via Facebook and Twitter. You can pick up tips and tricks about our game development, ask questions, and more by joining our community and the CRYENGINE development team over on our official CRYENGINE Discord channel.
If you find a bug in the engine, please report it directly on GitHub, which helps us to process the issue quickly and efficiently. Don't forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel, where we host a range of content, including tutorials covering all aspects of the engine and game design. Want to show your love for CRYENGINE? Pick up merch over on the official online Crytek Store.
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