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Every day people do amazing things with CRYENGINE. Welcome to CRYENGINE Forge, where we highlight a tiny sample of cool stuff recently achieved with CRYENGINE.
Sweet stream
Andrei Ghenoiu is a long time member of the CRYENGINE community and regularly hosts streams of scenes that he creates in CRYENGINE with Blender. He’s working on a beautiful “discovery/action FPS” called On Your Own , and you can check out how he uses CRYENGINE to create a beautiful world in the stream below. To be notified about upcoming streams of Andrei, make sure to follow him on Twitch!
Core Elements
Another indie project in the works is Core Elements, an open world FPS set after World War III breaks out. The game is already looking stunning, and you can check out some of the atmospheric screenshots below. Stay up to date with Digital Days Entertainment on Facebook, and check out the game's development progress on Twitter .
Awesome atmosphere
Check out these evocative shots from Terrain Artist Iri Shinsoj.
Ready for a journey?
Crytek’s very own Cinematic Artist Joe Garth has begun pre-flight checks on a new personal project, Journey. Rendered in CRYENGINE, check out “The Ship” below whose purpose is merely to save mankind.
Inspired? Or need inspiration?
Hosein Afsha, head of the CRYENGINE Developer’s Group on Facebook, hosts a monthly challenge to recreate famous video game levels in CRYENGINE. If you’re not a member of the group already, we recommend it as a great unofficial community resource. Hit the link to find out more. Check out some entries of former months' competitions:
Remastered Max Payne 1 Subway entrance by Marika Speck:
Thief remastered - by Hosein Afshar :
Done something awesome? Let us know on our forums, Facebook, and Twitter!