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Every week we bring you a sample of our favorite community games, levels and assets. Today is a combination of all; 'Damian 94' creates his assets and levels from scratch, and for this one he was inspired by The Witcher 3.
Environment artist Damian Kijowski is a very well known member of the community who has been consistently creating beautiful environments for years. A few months ago, he was inspired by The Witcher 3, one of his favorite games of 2015 (and ours too!) and decided to re-create some of the villages in the many islands of Skellige.
While this project is still in process, we're thrilled he has been sharing his progress on the official forums. He also has dozens of videos on his YouTube channel where he shows the improvements of his many assets and levels! Take a look at some of his custom vegetation:
More of Damian's work:
Thanks for reading!
All the best,