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Every week we bring you a sample of our favorite community games, levels and assets. Today we are featuring Jan Tverdik, who is a 3D Environment Artist based in Frankfurt, Germany.
Jan studied 3D Game Art & Animation at the Games Academy and later took an Environment Creation for games course at Future Poly.
Jan wanted to practice with the new Volumetric Fog, SVOGI, and also to get a better understanding of the lighting system in CRYENGINE.
All the foliage was modeled directly in 3DSMax with smaller details done in ZBrush. Jan used the common workflow of baking highpoly onto a texture plane. The vegetation turned out great and adds a great atmosphere to the scene.
For variations Jan created several different versions with unique bending techniques and arrangements. He then created a master scene with all the foliage and assets in 3DSMax and exported it directly to CRYENGINE.
To create and design the tree bark Jan made a tileable bark material in ZBrush and Substance Designer, he also used a moss material as blendlayer to create extra depth.
Best of luck to Jan Tverdik in searching for an industry job and keep those fingers crossed and hope that one day he will sell his assets on the CRYENGINE Marketplace.
- Lavizh