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Every week we bring you a sample of our favorite community games, levels and assets. Today: Lord of Death by 'theliquid'. An adventure, labyrinth style game based on Ian Livingstone's Deathtrap Dungeon.
"Welcome to Tendrils' Labyrinth..."
While still in early development, Lord of Death's visual style piqued our interest months ago. Those familiar with Ian Livingstone's Fighting Fantasy adventure gamebooks will recognize the recurring theme of traps, caves and labyrinths in the different environments of the game.
According to 'theliquid', players will have to solve puzzles, fight dangerous monsters and find their way out of the several mazes and caves, in order to reach the final level, Tendrils' Labyrinth. He also mentions most of his current screenshots are darker than the players should expect, since there will be several items scattered on the levels to pick up, including torches to light up your path.
For more updates about Lord of Death, please go to the official thread here.
We hope to see more progress in the upcoming months!
All the best,