
Animation General

  • Fixed: (Cloth): Added output of skin-filename - for a warning in the case of missing metadata.
  • Fixed: Issue with view distance ratios not being refreshed correctly when propagating through attachment hierarchies.
  • Tweaked: Shipping pose modifiers that have been missing since the 5.6.3 release.


Audio General

  • Tweaked: Updated to FMOD 2.00.06.
  • Tweaked: Updated to Wwise 2019.1.5.

Core System

Entity System

  • Fixed: (DefaultComponents): Physicalized entities using CBaseMeshComponent are re-physicalized on any slot change resulting in physical properties being reset.

Graphics and Rendering

Renderer General

  • Fixed: (Volumetric Fog): Fog on light probes - by bringing its GenerateLightList more in line with its counterpart in TiledLightVolumes.


Editor General

  • Fixed: (Prefab LE): Snapping a hidden prefab to a place will un-hide the brush object inside of it, but keep the UI and helper in the invisible state.
  • Fixed: (MayaExporter): The "Create CryExportNode" window is smaller than the content displayed.


Resource Compiler

Fixed: Converted a number of RCLogError to RCLogWarning. Will prevent the RC quitting early in the case of the Assets Folder containing an invalid skeleton. NOTE: Will still output a single error for the failing to load the skeleton after warnings (if LoadSkeletonInfo is called with bWarningsAsErrors disabled).