FreeSDK 3.3.7

CryENGINE 3 Free SDK – Build 2572 Changelog

Released October 17th, 2011.

  • Added ability to save levels to Projects for use with CryDev Projects Database
  • Added redundancy for logoff to prevent “Account Locked” errors
  • Added more flexibility to login username/password allowed characters
  • Added ability for any CryDev user to load any level within the Launcher
  • Added support for building GameDLL using Visual C++ Express
  • Added ability for player to switch seats in some vehicles
  • Added Time:FrameDelay flownode to delay actions for just one frame
  • Fixed several login and logoff crashes
  • Fixed crash when creating new levels
  • Fixed rare crash when deleting an Animation Graph Editor view, along with several other fixes and adjustments to Animation Graph Editor
  • Fixed rare crash if sound system is disabled
  • Fixed several warnings/issues specific to 64-bit
  • Fixed issue relating to mouse and screen resolution in Launcher
  • Fixed issue where AI wouldn’t enter vehicles
  • Fixed issue with Material Editor jumping to different materials against users input
  • Fixed issue with road tool not aligning correctly with edited terrain
  • Fixed “Frozen” material layer
  • Fixed HMMWV not loading in Vehicle Editor
  • Fixed issue with water volume material not displaying water ripples
  • Fixed a few misplaced objects in the Forest sample level
  • Made several adjustments to particle system
  • Made several fixes made to AI system
  • Made several changes to weapon firemodes and other weapon tweaks
  • Improved CryTif support (64-bit and newer versions of Photoshop)
  • Adjustments made to Flowgraph editor
  • Adjusted warning box on Sandbox startup related to NtfsDisableLastAccessUpdate error, users can now ignore this warning or have the registry adjusted to fix
  • Fixed TimeofDayTrigger and looping ToD not working correctly
  • Fix for 16-bit float image always generate DXT5 instead of DXT1
  • Adjusted spawnpoint arrow/icon
  • Fixed issue with overlapping water volumes
  • Many fixes/improvements to Maya exporter
  • Several updates to Abrams Tank & MH60 Blackhawk sample vehicles
  • Adjusted motionBlur settings to provide nicer results
  • Added several new asset additions to the Forest sample level, including things like water droplet sounds, sounds for falling debris, etc
  • Made several beautification updates to Forest level including new textures, additional objects, new materials, etc
  • Updated rock assets for improved collision
  • Added rooster boid with animations
  • Updated turtle boid animations
  • Added LODs for several assets, chimneys, railroad tracks, drains, etc
  • Improved several particle effects, including bullet/water impact
  • Added 3ds Max files for railroad tracks
  • Added new low detail texture for terrain
  • Added several new destroyable props and replaced lamp post and power poles in Forest with destroyable versions
  • Added new outdoor toilet asset for Forest
  • Added pickup, pick and throw animations
  • Made several adjustments to the Asset Browser
  • Fixed: Potential crash if no filename is specified for a static vehicle part. Added proper warnings with references to the part and vehicle causing the problem
  • Fixed crash on closing Vehicle Editor when the HMMWW is loaded
  • Destroyable object pieces no longer always sink in water ("kwater" prop was applied even when unset)

3.3.6 Engine Build Changes

Renderer and 3d Engine

  • Fix: Render error when using the check-box "Use Terrain Color" for vegetation
  • Added: High resolution screenshot support
  • Fix: Flickering shadows throughout level
  • Fix: Issues with material reloading in engine
  • Fix: ATI specific ocean surface aliasing artifact
  • Fix: Water dripples
  • Fix: Max particle pixel fill now clamped to proper screen size – moved m_Wdith / m_Height members to SParticleRenderContext.
  • Fix: Small particle bug with animated textures
  • Fix: Particle incorrect positioning with MoveRelEmitter on initial emission
  • Fix: Particle sound durations: one-shots now always play to completion. Pulsed emitters don't kill sounds early
  • Fix: Restored ability of invisible particles to spawn 2nd-gen visible particles, fixing semantics of IsActive.
  • Fix: Simplified ParticleEmitter.GetMaterial, removed unneeded ParticleEffect.FirstActive.
  • Fix: Allow serialization/pasting of particle effects without version number; pasting only renames effects with no previous name


  • Fix: Potential crash with CryString.swap()


  • Fix: Scale on cloth entities
  • Improve simulation parameters for the rope object
  • Fix: Allow scale on ePT_Fixed constraints mode
  • Fix: Issues with non-colliding (thickness 0) cloth
  • Fix: Some issues with precomputed rope collider parts


  • Fix: Wrong position of the Sound Listener in the Sandbox Editor when not in-game
  • Added: Additional information about which sound event was not found
  • Removed obsolete CVars: pl_FootstepSoundsNormalized and pl_AnimationTriggeredFootstepSounds
  • Fix: Not able to play sound events properly


  • Improved: car maneuvering
  • Fix: Allow vehicles regenerate paths on the way
  • Renamed CPipeUser::m_IsSteering to CPipeUser::IsSteeringAroundObstacle to prevent confusion when reverse-engineering vehicle maneuvering code
  • Added: Possibility to switch AI Debug Renders at runtime
  • Replaced: "typedef unsigned tNavCapMask;" with "typedef uint32 tNavCapMask;"
  • Fix: Network AI Debug Draw: Switch from type size_t to uint32
  • Fix: Network AI Debug Draw: Add support for big endian
  • Fix: Don't use Network AI Debug Draw on Dedicated Servers in Release
  • Fix: Comment out deprecated CScriptBind_AI::GetGroupTarget and CScriptBind_AI::GetGroupTargetCount
  • Fix: Stop using unsupported goalop "usecover"
  • Removed: Unused AI perception variables
  • Fix: AI Actor should be handled as remote client
  • Fix: AI vehicle turret guys not always shooting you after a cp load, due to their vehicle not being correctly ignored for their sight tests
  • Fix: AI Debug Draw
  • Fix: AI Debug Renderer not showing in the Editor before the game start
  • Fix: Issue moving backwards in COPTrace::ExecuteManeuver
  • Fix: After a checkpoint reload enemies would stop tracking their target much quicker than what they should
  • Fix: An helicopter patrolling can have the improper AI
  • Fix: PlayerSensor and WeaponSensor to work if input entity changes during runtime
  • Fix: Crash in CTacticalPointSystem::BoolPropertyInternal
  • Fix: Cover surface message error when the bai file is not present. It explicitly says the file should maybe be regenerated if needed.
  • Fix: FlowNode to calculate screen position out of entity position
  • Fix: Improve AI debug draw goal pipe display: now shows all active goal ops rather than just the last executed one each goal op can do custom text
  • Fix: InsertSubPipe can re-execute completed GoalOp upon return
  • Fix: ScriptBind Add constants "InsideRange" and "OutsideRange"
  • Fix: Console spam CGoalPipe::PushGoal - Attempting to push goalop "usecover"
  • Fix: Goalop COPWait
  • Fix: Serialization of goalop "timeout"
  • Fix: CGoalPipe::PeekPopGoalResult()
  • Fix: Goalop Wait (even XML) should always be blocking and grouped
  • Fix: Potential crash in DelayedPipeSelection::DelayedPipeSelection
  • Fix: DelayedPipeSelection::DelayedPipeSelection

Entity System

  • Improved: es_DrawProximityTriggers indicates enabled/disabled and entered/exited
  • Fix: Entity:EntityInfo low-node can check if an entity is also an AI object
  • Fix: Translucency problem with es_DrawProximityTriggers

CryAction and GameDll

  • Fix: Weapon State driven serialization
  • Improved: Some cosmetic changes about pAIVisualDebugRenderer in CCryAction::ConnectCmd and CCryAction::DisconnectCmd
  • Fix: Improve FlowActorSensor Node
  • Added: function to get ZoomModeName to IWeapon
  • Added: UIManager (singleton access to all game code relevant UI classes)
  • Fix: Change HUD UIAction to use FlowActorSensor node
  • Fix: Change HUD to display proper death message (don't show in spectator mode)
  • Added: Minimap Nodes to FlowMinimapNodes
  • Added: OnZoomChanged callback to IWeaponListener
  • Added: WeaponSensorNode
  • Fix: AIActions also prompt if it has unsaved changes
  • Added: Display of custom picture on level load
  • Added: New flownode to help setting mc's in screen space (0-1)
  • Fix: Disallow pause in MP
  • Fix: UI FlowNodes to flush all events that are used in UIAction FlowGraphs that are on the event stack
  • Fix: gfx_reload_all command
  • Fix: AI Actors not using player prediction code
  • Fix: Crash in FlowActorSensor Node
  • Fix: FlowWeaponSensor Node to receive correct name for zoom mode
  • Fix: Potential crash on opening a Flowgraph
  • Fix: Unregister FlowWeaponSensor from IItemSystem on unload level
  • Fix: UIActionEvents if no level xml exists
  • Fix: Picking up breakage pieces
  • Fix: Client can't reload in a MP session
  • Fix: Wrong first person muzzle flash effect
  • Fix: Unsafe way to flush UI events in FG
  • Fix: LocalPlayer Node does not trigger output if local player id changes
  • Fix: HUD UIAction for MP
  • Fix: Client not visible on Server after first spawn
  • Fix: Client health above 100 after first spawn
  • Fix: Health value returned from FlowActorNode to be int rather then float
  • Fix: Crash in CanPerformPickUp
  • Fix: Network hot fixes
  • Fix: Disable Layer activation in MP
  • Fix: Call IGame:Shutdown even if "ExitOnQuit" is set to 1


  • Updated: DestroyableObject
  • Added: DeadBody entity properties not available in Sandbox
  • Fix: Foley and footstep system tweak
  • Fix: Add character sounds to Grunt_x
  • Improved: Weapons: Binoculars, RocketLauncher
  • Updated: Game/Scripts/AI/Coordination/Coordination.lua
  • Fix: Changes default model of Door entity to be a door rather than a sphere

Sandbox Editor

  • Refactored: the file change notification system, now it also reports the change type and skips duplicate notifications
  • Removed: "Browse for Layer Texture", it is no longer supported
  • Fix: Change FileChangeMonitor to use 32bit tick count
  • Fix: Add context menu to all objects in editor view-port. Following items are added: "Show in Asset Browser" and "Properties".
  • Removed: Unused UI elements from asset browser
  • Added: New system to handle files that are not linked to the level
  • Improved: Solid system reliability by excluding invalid data before updating a rendering data
  • Removed: 'Use Custom Terrain size' check-box from the "Create new level" dialog
  • Removed: "X" button does not function correctly in the Asset Browser
  • Fix: Several leak within the file change monitor, added also clear() to MTQueue
  • Fix: resize of the PropertiesPanel
  • Fix: Cloud sync in LiveCreate
  • Fix: Console hot update for CGFs
  • Fix: Crash when sandbox is open with material editor
  • Fix: Invalidate a HyperGraphNode without changing the "modification" state
  • Fix: Potential crash bug when updating solid brush
  • Fix: Crash bug happening when hiding and undoing a solid box.
  • Fix: Crash while setting material in Updating Mesh with Solids Editor
  • Fix: MaterialEditor layout problem on SwitchingUI twice (The actual controls were destroyed but never recreated)
  • Added: keyboard shortcuts for particle item Enable and Enable All
  • Fix: Spline tool-tips now show values with 3 rather than 2 digits precision, accurate for 8-bit quantization
  • Fix: Bug about surface type drop-down menu so as for the list to have all surface items in Particle Editor
  • Fix: Saving library creates useless Libs/ folder in root dir

3ds Max Exporter

  • Added: MaxScript interface to exporter log
  • Fix: Overwrite message boxes disabled when called from MaxScript
  • Fix: set_bone_list setting node list actually
  • Fix: Crash after Reseting a scene
  • Fix: Animation - Subrange window doesn't stay open when you move away from the utilities tab
  • Fix: Animation - Subrange window being unable to be resized makes it difficult to work with large names
  • Fix: CrySkin crashes max if copy/pasted to another object
  • Fix: NamedRanges dialog not wrapped into CNamedRangesDialog
  • Fix: Bone selection was always reset when you click on the bone in the bone list
  • Fix: Some of the text labels in CrySkin were wrong because of the conflicting string resource identifiers. MaxCryExport resource IDs are bumped by 2000