EaaS 3.6.14

Released 19th December, 2014


  • Fixed: Clearing registry data also resets shortcuts during runtime (CE-4155)
  • Fixed: Closing and re-opening the structure tab in VE crashes the editor (CE-5034)


  • Fixed: (Input) Fixed small bug in ForceFeedbackEvent() (CE-5129)
  • Fixed: (Animation) Fixed crash when enabling debug for physicalized bone and face attachment
  • Fixed: (Server) No longer assume a HUD is always present (CE-5113)
  • Fixed: (JobSystem) TextureCompiler invoker causing invalid JobState counter (CE-5079)
  • Fixed: (Animation) Removed VEG sequencing code in CActionScope::CalculateFragmentTimeRemaining() for consistency (CE-5175)
  • Fixed: (Audio) Fixed audio object ID invalidation on audio proxies during Save/Load


  • Fixed: Fixed gbuffer velocity generation when tesselation is enabled (CE-3335)
  • Fixed: Fixed sun specular multiplier in standard shading path (CE-4871)
  • Fixed: Use area lights for sub when just area light support is enabled
  • Fixed: Fixed area lights with tiled shading


  • Fixed: (RC) Slightly improved texture compression quality for certain paths


  • Fixed: (UI) Clients can only join the server at the top of the server list