Released 26th August, 2015
The Designer tool gets its own UV Mapping Editor. This is designed to provide easy and powerful ways to define UV's of a designer object like one built in Maya, 3D Max or Blender etc.
In CRYENGINE, characters consist of many discrete parts (=attachments) all tied together via the skeleton. While this approach provides a great deal of flexibility, it makes rendering quite expensive as each part needs to be rendered individually. So we have optimized shadow rendering in a way where all attachments are merged into a set of large meshes which can be rendered with one draw call each.
See the Important 3.8.3 EaaS Code and Data Changes article for more information
In this release there has been an update to some of the Editor resource files. Hence, if you have updated to the latest build and find that some of the inputs are no longer working (for e.g. Ctrl+G to jump in-game), then go to the tools menu\Clear Registry Data. This will reset everything to the current system.