CRYENGINE Launcher 2.1.4 (27 June 2023)


  • New: Asset cards can now be flagged as “deprecated”.
  • New: Downloads can now be resumed even after the launcher has been closed.
  • New: Users can now select a specific package version to download through the launcher.
  • Fixed: An issue causing the dropdown menu to be cut off on lower resolution screens.
  • Fixed: An issue where new projects did not appear in the launcher.
  • Fixed: An issue that logged users out after the launcher update.
  • Fixed: An issue preventing the download of certain dependencies.
  • Fixed: An issues with downloading .asar files.


  • Updated: Brand assets are now located on S3 storage and available under CDN for improved performance and availability.
  • Updated: Emojis are no longer allowed in asset reviews to ensure clear communication.
  • Updated: The Game Registration details page to provide more detailed information.
  • Fixed: An issue with the validation of uploaded images in the Asset Editor.
  • Fixed: A critical issue related to the “Remember me” token.