CRYENGINE Launcher 2.1.3 (11 October 2022)


  • Updated: Text and design to keep the UI more consistent.
  • Updated: The Launcher desktop icon.
  • Fixed: Reduced CPU usage.
  • Fixed: Users sometimes not being able to update an Engine.
  • Fixed: A missing launcher dependency which could prevent the Launcher download from finishing.
  • Fixed: The validation process of the assets and Engines.
  • Fixed: An error that could cause the deletion of an Engine during Launcher update.
  • Fixed: An issue with copying/pasting text in the Report an Issue form.

CryEngine Hub

  • New: Added the Game Registration dashboard.
  • Updated: The validation on multiple forms.
  • Updated: Additional security improvements.
  • Updated: Email styling.
  • Updated: Text and design to keep the UI more consistent.
  • Fixed: The Launcher API calls that redirected to the Login page.
  • Fixed: Duplication of images during asset upload.
  • Fixed: Showcase video playback.