Tutorial - Building a Trampoline

Applying the vehicle physics components in an atypical use case: building a rigid surface trampoline. Topics covered:

  • Accessing a spring within the vehicle components 0:17
  • Understanding wheel colliders 1:44
  • Adding a platform surface 2:31
  • Adding the player ball entity 4:15
  • Testing and fine-tuning the trampoline's behavior 6:11
  • Adjusting ball behavior to accelerate testing 7:06
  • Adjusting the spring response 8:45
  • Adjusting the mass of the components 10:40
  • Using a line constraint to stabilize the platform 11:17
  • Using a plane constraint to control the ball's movement 13:48
  • Creating a 3rd person camera to follow the ball 16:17
  • Forcing the camera to always look at the ball 22:30
  • Adding multiple trampolines 25:17
  • Pushing the ball forward with Flow Graph 25:28
  • The finished level 25:41
  • The finished Flow Graph script 26:06